【Developer Q&A 】2014/04/15


– Panther and Object 430 size changes were changed (both were made a bit bigger), this doesn’t appear in the patch notes, because it’s apparently insignificant

– World of Tanks is not influenced by Microsoft not supporting Windows XP anymore – Storm states that WoT will run on XP “at least for several more years”

– post-war HD battles won’t be implemented for now, because “it’s garbage – US and Russian crews in American and Soviet tanks”

– models having common parts (turrets and such) actually accelerates the production of HD models

– more info on the premium Soviet T-54 will come once the tank reaches the supertest stage

– in 9.0, there are no changes to camo mechanism

– Object 167 will not appear, because smoothbores will not be implemented into the game (why: “it’s not needed, rifled guns are quite enough for the game as it is”)

– the formula for “damage blocked by armor” is DBA = (old potential damage) – (damage done to your tank) – (damage from HE shells), eg. it includes only non-penetrating shots and ricochets

– apparently, if you drive your tank onto other tank (or fall on it for example) and the bottom tank gets ammo rack explosion, the turret that will fly off will collide with your tank, throwing it away

– HD tanks have 30k to 50k polygons

– the fact it is possible to send someone a message in game only when you have that person in friend list is old, basically the chat was “programmed so” – this will be changed when chat 2.0 is introduced

– there will be no battle hero medals in historical battles, this is intentional for balance reasons

– resolution of less than 768 (vertical) (eg. 1280×720) will not be implemented

– regarding the tanks driving underwater in 9.0 trailer – those are simply cinematic, tank deep fording equipment will not be implemented

– regarding the Chaffee turret change (that won’t happen): “noone promised Chaffee turret change in 9.0″ (SS: the “new” Chaffee turret from the test was put there by accident – it’s a part of the US LT development, it will be most likely changed when the US LT8 is implemented)

– during ammo rack explosion, the turret turns into a solid piece of steel, capable of dealing damage to the tank it falls on

– Storm states that the situation when you drive around with server aim circle enabled, you turn sharply around the corner, the circle becomes really huge and there is a big chance of the shot going really wide is not a bug per se, but a delay in server data transfer
Storm表示说你在打开服务器准星的情况下随便开车,突然在拐角的地方急转弯,准星会变得特别大, 而此时开火会造成炮弹乱飞的问题并不是个Bug,而是在服务器数据传输中出现了延迟

Regarding Storm’s post about upcoming vehicle nerfs and buffs:

– FV4202, KV-5, IS-7 and T-34-3 are not on the list, T57 Heavy will also not be nerfed, Object 430 will not be buffed
FV4202, KV-5, IS-7以及T-34-3都不在列表上,T57重也不会被砍,430工程不会被buff

– Churchill Gun Carrier is actually suddenly doing really fine statistically, one of the best vehicles on its tier

– Storm confirms that WoT will transfer to Dx11

– it’s possible (SS: as in NOT certain) that WT E-100 will be nerfed (“he stands out but only a little”)
WT E-100有可能(SS:换句话说就是确定)被砍(“它有点突出,但是只有一点”)

– “unfortunately, only few HD tanks will appear in 9.1 – which, I will tell later”

– there is nop need to buff British heavies, they are fine apart from tier 10

– KV-1S will not be nerfed in 9.1, but later

– KV-1 and KV-1S will not be united into a single tank

– Storm confirms that LT’s will be buffed by decreasing their maximum battletier

– for now it was not decided whether to nerf E-25

– it’s unfortunately not possible to buff A-32′s gold penetration

– Wargaming is not using winrate as the main balance method anymore apparently

– apparently, the list of tanks to nerf contains “pedobear” tanks (T18 and T40 for example) as well

– currently, developers are collecting detailed data on the performance of gold shells – after that, it will be decided whether to do something about them and what

– T-34-3 is “a good vehicle in the right hands”

– no plans to implement the possibility of players to save their own graphic settings presets

– for now, in 9.1, the base camo coefficient for TD’s won’t be touched

– there were some ideas to change the mechanism of crew hatches (copulas) as weakspots, developers thought about it, but decided not to do anything, there was an idea to reduce the damage taken to these spots, but it’s “too complicated” (SS: whatever that means).

– apparently, in 9.0 release, the armor of Tortoise and M103 became better than during test (SS: will check tomorrow)

– IS-3 HD model will come in 9.2

– the reason for the “disappearing arty shells” bug was “desynchronization between server applications handling the inter-servere load balance”

【Developer Q&A 】2014/04/15》上有2个想法


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