【Developer Q&A 】2014/01/16


Hello everyone,

most of the answers in this post are related to the 8.11 patchnotes – if you haven’t read them yet, you probably should 🙂

– SerB statest that his position on tank transmission causing fires in WoT has not changed

– the main reason WoT actually has draws and not just wins/losses is the “game session prolonging”.

– apprently the occasional cases of tanks getting stuck on walls and terrain won’t be fixed anytime soon

– the bugs mentioned above will be fixed in second stage of the physics improvement, because a part of these issues will be fixed by the new (HD) tank models

– Chinese and Japanese will not take part in national battles

– roaming is being tested and polished

– the Foch 155 armor was changed to correspond to these schematics, specifically the sides, rear and the roof was changed (the roof is thinner), the range-finder got nerfed too

– DPM of Object 268 will also be changed (SS: as in nerfed)

– rain currently has no effect on visibility, but Storm states that in the future it might have: they will implement it now and then test it, whether it’s playable or not

– Foch alpha nerf will not be compensated, Object 268 alpha nerf will be compensated only partially, basically Foch will have thinner armor overall, lower mobility (engine nerf) and lower DPM

– exact details about the increase of profitability of some premium tanks will be written in final patchnotes when the patch is released, but in general, all the premiums will be brought on par with Jagdtiger 88 profitability

– KV-5 profitability won’t be buffed, it’s good already

– the new “Main Caliber” hero of the battle medal has following conditions:

“This award will be given to the player, that dealt the most damage of all the players in the battle. The player must deal damage that equals no less than 20 percent of the sum of the entire enemy team hitpoints and no less than 1000 damage. If more players meet the requirements, the award will be given to the player with most raw XP in the battle.”

Storm also states that for team full of IS-4 tanks, the player would have to deal no less than 7500 damage

– the new “Tanker-Sniper” hero of the battle medal has following conditions:

“This award will be given to the player, that dealt the most damage at distance of no less than 300 meters. At least 1000 damage must be dealt this way and the damage dealt must be higher than the amount of hitpoints of the player’s own tank. The hitrate in that battle has to be no less than 85 percent and no less than 80 percent of all hits must actually cause damage to the enemy (including module damage). There must be no hits against allied tanks, otherwise the medal is not awarded. If more players meet the requirements, the award will be given to the player with most raw XP in the battle. This medal is not given to artillery players.”

– both medals are specifically designed to be very difficult on low tiers in order not to encourage sealclubbing

– artillery won’t be buffed in 8.11

– disabling the chat is intentionally not disabling minimap pings and generic “command wheel” commands

– the change in “ranks” mentioned in the patchnotes is only a graphical change of the insignia format

– new Ruinberg and new Himmelsdorf will have the same chance to drop like the other maps, Storm confirms it means that any Ruinberg and any Himmelsdorf (both new and only) will not have double chance to drop

– developers decided not to give new maps higher chance to drop in 8.11

– the 10 percent artillery MM weight reduction applies for tier 9 and 10 too, the reason for this is not to have arty balanced with heavies on the top of the team

– the chance for various modes to drop for you (with all enabled in following order: random, encounter, assault, national battle) is 40/20/20/20 percent, if one mode is disabled, its percentage will spread equally amongst the rest

– if only random and one other mode is enabled (see question above), the chance is 60/40 (in random favour)

– Storm confirms the rain will reduce FPS, but not by much

– Q: “Storm, is it possible to fire all the mountain lovers from the map department?” A: “Of course. Fire them. You have a map department too?”

– new sound (improvements) will come in 9.0 (it was earlier confirmed for 8.11, but they didn’t manage to put it in on time)

– apparently, if you buy camo and emblems for gold, they will get “saved” for that tank even if you sell it

– T110E3 and T110E4 will have their alpha nerf compensated to keep the DPM the same

– regarding the T-54 changes, all T-54 clones were made the same size in 8.11 (T-54 and Type 59 will become tiny bit longer)

– hangar and tank selection (carousel) changes are still planned (when it’s done it’s done)
车库以及坦克选择(轮回选择)的改动依然还在计划中(when it’s done it’s done)

– in “National battles”, you will not be able to meet enemy team of the same “nationality”, but otherwise, anyone can meet anyone

– the chat history will be scrollable only in battle apparently

– currently, the order in which the tanks are cycled, when you switch from one to another in the post-mortem camera depends on the order in which the tanks are in the team list

– T-44-85 will not appear in 8.11 – it was reported earlier by Evilly in one of his streams, but Storm states Evilly was wrong

– Storm confirms specifically: new French regular branches will not come in 2014 (2015 at the earliest)

– “national battles” will for now available only for random battles, Storm will see how it goes

– the Nashorn size was changed to fit the Hummel

– regarding the mods in 8.11: “Some work from modmakers and everything will work. Don’t panic.”

– there might be other “different” versions of existing maps in the future (like Himmelsdorf/winter Himmelsdorf, not all maps, but some yes)

– Sacred Valley rework? “We can’t do everything at once”

– there is no plan to implement permanent version of national battles (so you play only those and not other modes)


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