


Hello everyone,

once again, Storm is asking the players about their opinion, this time about physics. From the discussion:

– Storm states that the tank “rocking” when going over rails is realistic – as a proof, he shows this video, where even the Turkish Altay MBT is rocking when going over obstacles

– apparently, the amount of rocking when crossing rails will not be reduced, it’s realistic (Storm adds that the tanks in game don’t have hydrodynamic stabilized suspension)

– Storm states that the way the suspension is modelled, it has five elastic points (that interact with the ground), that prevent it from behaving like a “ski” (SS: this is probably the reason why independent suspension will not change tank movement – the points, simulating the wheel movement, are already there)

– Storm states that with the introduction of ingame physics, special tests were held on maps and they have not shown any significant changes in tank mobility (2-3 percent change)

– apparently the current loss of speed when turning the tank is realistic

– the fact you don’t take damage from ramming other objects than tanks is intentional

– apparently, tanks getting stuck on the anti-tank “dragon teeth” strip on Siegfried Line is sort of mixture of a bug and feature (Storm said that, Veider adds it’s simply a feature, after all the strips were designed to block tanks)

– the fact that you cannot create a one-man training room is there to protect the server from being overloaded by too many “training rooms” (SS: creating one training room takes as many server resources as running a full battle)

– the way the braking works in the game (SS: whenever you release the “gas”, the tank immediately stops instead of rolling forward for a while on “neutral”) was specifically and intentionally made to make the gamplay easier

– the situation where you are crossing a dune (SS: this is very noticable in Sand River), you park your vehicle on the top of it and it swings for a while is not a feature, it’s a bug, there was some solution for this by Wargaming, but in the end it did not work

And what is YOUR opinion on WoT physics? Write, you can even link screenshots 🙂
你对WOT的画面效果怎么看?评论一下,或者发点截图什么的o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ  


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