【Developer Q&A 】2013/12/25


– all the servers altogether (RU, EU, ASIA, US) should be able to handle 1.500.000 players at the same time (Russian cluster only wouldn’t be able to handle such an amount)

– KwK 44/2 for Panther (Ausf.F) will not be implemented, as there are no significant differences in performance from the KwK 42
黑豹(F型)的KwK 44/2不会有的,因为这杆炮和KwK 42没有什么特别大的差别

– it’s theoretically possible Panther Ausf.F hull will be the stock hull for Panther II

– there were no “secret” changes in camo and spotting mechanism in 0.8.10

– Japanese tanks are “not more stealthy than acceptable”

– when assigning camo factor to a tank, both the approach where it is assigned manually and the method where it is assigned automatically based on the vehicle size are used

– SerB doesn’t like the fact SU-76 and T-70 can’t meet Tigers in battle (to be historically appropriate), but says he can’t do anything about that

– vehicle reliability will not be introduced into WoT. SerB: “Masochists can migrate to other games”

– planned server-side replay will be one replay for all the battle members, eg. you’ll be able to see the entire battle from anyone’s POV

– Crusader arty (5.5in) is doing fine statistically

– players not understanding the exact mechanism of how much XP you gain for what? “How terrible…”
玩家无法理解究竟进行何样的行动才能获得一定量的经验这个机制?“How terrible…”

– the fact you can rightclick-look around in sniper mode in a tank and you can’t in a TD is due to the fact players got confused when the view resetted to the TD firing arc

– dust raised by gun blast wave and other such effects are already implemented into the gun firing camo loss

– Q: “Why does IS have -6 depression and KV-1S -8 depression for 122mm gun, when both turrets are practically identical?” A: “How terrible, we should change it to -3 for both”
问:“为什么IS和KV-1S在炮塔都差不多的情况下,一个(IS)的俯角是-6度而另一个(KV-1S)是-8°?”答:“How terrible,我们应该把这两个俯角改成-3°的”

– Q: “Do the developers know about the disconnects from server?” A: “*surprised* What? We have servers?! Use your brain a little. If you have one.”

As a result of the “8.10 MM feedback”, Storm states that everything is fine with 8.10 MM


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