【Developer Q&A 】2013/10/27


– having occasional FPS drops to 2-7 FPS? “Vacuum clean the computer”

– the reason for module saving throws is lower tier tanks having a fighting chance against hightier ones

– when the KV-1S is split into two tanks, the statistics will probably stick with the tier 6 tank, because most of the battles were played with the big guns anyway

– the aimtime in WoT is there to simulate accurate aiming by the crew

A bit of info about CW from Overlord, quite interesting:

“Regarding the Clan Wars, there are big plans for that mode to make it more accessible for players, which includes separation of CW into regular global map and another submode which is going to be less exhaustive in terms of time and effort – at the same time providing a new type of gameplay (garage battles). Plus, the game still needs a more accessible end-game mode than Clan Wars, possible with PvE element – survival, moba, coop, or smth similar. Don’t see a problem with T10 being awarded in CWs as long as they don’t offer better performance comparing to regular vehicles.”


“7/42 appeared to be the most succseful form of competitive play which doesn’t mean we are not going to try T10 in esport in future. And again see above for end-game.”


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