【Developer Q&A 】2013/10/15


– the developers discussed and rejected the idea of hiding player stats (“there would be more disadvantages than advantages”)

– Q: “Please, can you tell me which religion forbids the devs to make the disabling of the chat in game possible?” A:”Pastafarianism”

– it’s possible there will be no arties at all in historical battles

– the reason the Japanese tankers have sort of American-ish names (ranks) is the same as for the Chinese tankers: 99.9 percent of the players outside of Chinese server wouldn’t be able to read the “hieroglyphs”
日系组员的名字和阶级透着一股美国风味的原因和中国组员的理由是一样的:除了国服以外的玩家的99.9%都看不懂“象形文字” (即日文的平假/片假以及中国的汉字均隶属于汉字系统,即“象形文字——译注”)

– for now big maps (1500x1500m) won’t be implemented, but the devs are slowly experimenting with them already

– destroyed tanks won’t have hit/scratch (bounce) decals on them

– the limited maximum viewrange in the game is “a feature of the game engine”, developers will try to increase the range on which the vehicle becomes visible after being spotted (SS: as in, not your own spotting range, but the range you see the enemy someone else spotted)
最大可视距离的限制是“游戏引擎的一个机制”,开发团队会试着增加车辆被亮之后的可观察距离(SS:也就是说,不在你自己的视野范围中,而是看到别人点亮的敌人的最大范围)(现在是以车辆为中心 前后左右各500米的正方形描绘框,对角线700米. ——译注)

– it’s theoretically possible there will be a branch-to-branch transfer (as in, another vehicle unlockable) from StuG III to “something historical”, but it will take a very long time

– a long time ago in one ancient German tree version, there was a vehicle called StuG E-100 – Storm states that it’s the identical vehicle to current Jagdpanzer E-100 (SS: correct, StuG E-100 is the “more correct” name)
有一个上古版本的德国科技树,里面有一辆车叫做StuG E-100—Storm表示这个车和现在的百突是一辆车(SS:没错,但是StuG E-100是一个“更加正确”的名字)

– there will be possibly a third German TD branch, in about one year from now

– Storm actually states (contrary to previous SerB’s statements) that there will not be exactly a “team battle” mode for tier 10′s. There will be “something else also interesting, but we won’t tell what exactly will it be for now”

– Kanonenjagdpanzer 4-5 is a “strange TD” according to Storm, it’s possible it might be implemented, but Storm doesn’t know where in the tree he would put it (not even as premium)
Storm表示Kanonenjagdpanzer 4-5(简称JPZ4-5,下同) 是个“很奇怪的TD”,这车有可能会被引进游戏,但是Storm不知道到底把这个车塞在科技树的什么位置(连作为金币车都塞不进去)(译注:JPZ4-5是二战后西德基于M47巴顿发明的一辆自行反坦克炮,外形和追猎者以及四号坦克歼击车(四歼)很像)

– the gold ammo for credits has not influenced Maus and T95 significantly according to Storm, he states that for example the normalization change influenced them more, there are no plans to cancel it for now

– when a crewmember is killed, any perks/skills that he had stop working, but apparently, if two identical role crewmembers (for example two loaders for vehicles that have them) have the same perk, the perk will still work on the second crewmember (for example the Adrenaline rush). If both crewmembers have the same skill and one is killed, the vehicle skill level will depend on the surviving crewmember (as in, if the vehicle has – say – two gunners and both have the Armorer skill, one has 98 percent and the other 67 percent, when both are alive, the skill level for the vehicle will be 98 percent (not cumulative or multiplying), if the 98 skill one gets killed, the Armorer level will not drop to 0, but to 67)

– BIA will stop working when one crewmember gets killed
基友连在任意一名乘员死掉之后就不生效(按照上面的解释,因为这个乘员的技能全部算作停止状态,基友连的发动条件之一“全员必须都要有100%的基友连”条件无法满足,故基友连不生效——译注) (但是此处与维基相悖,中文/英文的维基都明确表示此技能在乘员死亡之后依然生效,此处翻译菌持保留意见。)

– the Chinese (PRC) reaction to Type 64 was “positive”: “Kuomintang is regarded as a part of Chinese history, regardless of contemporary controversies. We should learn that from them by the way.”

– HEAT and subcaliber shell impact looks the same way “for technical reasons”

– apparently SU-122-44 and FCM 50t snap to smallest aim circle in the same time, although the latter should do it faster: “because of the aim spread after shooting for example”
现在SU-122-44和FCM 50t所需要的缩圈到最小的时间是一样的,尽管后者应该更快一些:“你看,不是还有开炮惩罚什么的吗”

– apparently, Waffenträgers might come out the way they are now on the test, but Veider (the head of tank balancing department) actually states that it will be 100 percent necessery to buff WT E-100
很显然,武器运载车(新TD线)会保持现在测试服的状态并在8.9版本上线时保持此状态,但是Veider(坦克平衡部门的老大)确实表示WT E-100有100%的必要获得一个Buff

【Developer Q&A 】2013/10/15》上有3个想法


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