【Developer Q&A 】2013/09/30

Source: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/09/30/30-9-2013/


– FV300 is planned to be introduced as British light tank, but SerB states that other than that (it’s a tier 6 probably), the British have no hightier LT candidates, unless WG digs something up at Bovington

– SerB considers the 8.8 German rebalance “fair”

– the Lowe side armor is historical, it belongs to one of the models mentioned in Panzer Tracts (SS: Lowe is a mashup of two models in game, I think there’s an article on that in old FTR)
狮式的侧装甲符合历史数据,它属于《Panzer Tracts》里提到的狮式的一个型号(SS:游戏内的狮式是历史上两个型号的混合体,我记得以前的FTR好像还有过一篇关于这个的文章)

– there might be a “shockwave” graphic effect (from tank shooting) implemented, but if it makes it to WoT, it will be active only when the tank is spotted

– tank throwing out dirt (or “shaking it off” when it stops) will be implemented only if in the limits of client computer possibilities

– WG won’t make a MMORPG game apparently

– official concept of historical battles is ready and confirmed, “wait for official announcement”

– players having strange ratings? SerB: “As I wrote before, I don’t care about any ratings.”

– WoT having bot-detecting algorithms? “We won’t comment on bot-detecting algorithms in game”

– Lowe doesn’t have 150mm L/40, because it would be terribly OP with it
狮式没有150mm L/40的原因是如果有了,那这车强力过头了

– apparently, Leopard 1 has the best camo factor of all hightier meds

– there might be an invisibility (“show I am online only to friends/clanmates”) mode implemented, not soon tho

– SerB states that there was no Maus I tank (contrary to Maus II, that was historical), Maus I was simply called “Maus”

– SerB says that if you see tank corpses rotate like 10-15 degrees after their destruction, it’s probably desynchronisation of client

– SerB also confirms that last month’s massive events (like the possibility to get a lot of gold per day) did have an effect on WG economy – if good or bad remains to be seen

– “Jagdchieftain” (CTR) in WoT? “No comment”

– blindshots (you accidentally hit someone who was not spotted in the bushes for example) count as if the shooter spotted the enemy himself, you get full XP/credit for it

– the Japanese tree got reworked: Type 97 Te-Ke got thrown out and the Chi-Ri lost the 88mm gun (SS: just like Daigensui predicted)

– SerB confirms that the Chinese tree is generally not very popular

– SerB thinks that 20 percent of all players will hide their statistics – they will be spread roughly equally when it comes to skill with a bit more good players hiding their stats, because they read the news and forums

– it’s possible that the E-50 will move to tier 10 and will be replaced by a “Turbopanther” with two optional hulls (SS: a GT101 gas turbine Panther probably)

– both the regular movement stopping (you move forward and press the S key) and the stop-to-shoot (spacebar) stop the vehicle with the same speed

– new city maps will be smaller than 1x1km

– Americans will get a second medium branch (SS: not counting the T57 one). It might start from the Chaffee, but that is not guaranteed. It has undergone changes in the past, but according to SerB, players will like it.
美国会有第二条中坦线(SS:不算T57那条),也许会从霞飞开始,不过并不保证这事的准确性。 在以前这条线就经历过变动,但是SerB说玩家们会喜欢这条线的

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