【Developer Q&A 】2013/08/31

Source: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/08/31/31-8-2013/

– when the turret of the IS-7 rotates sideways from the hull and its silhouette overlaps the hull itself, it’s actually possible to shoot the bottom of the turret, if your tank is significantly lower than the IS-7 itself. The bottom of the turret is 20mm thick
– 当 IS-7 的炮塔转向车体的一侧时它的炮塔轮廓会超出车体,实际上如果你坦克的位置相对 IS-7 来说足够低,你就有可能攻击炮塔底部。炮塔底部的装甲厚度是 20mm 

– there are plans for more crew perks – it will happen in WoWp much sooner than in WoT
– 计划出更多的乘员技能 – WoWp 会比 WoT 更早实现

– SerB on linear XP requirement for crew skills in WoWp: “Linear system was implemented as an experiment. It is easier to understand than the exponential one, despite the average effective skill when levelling up being 75 percent (compared to exponential system’s 87 percent). The total XP cost of levelling the crew skills up is the same as in the exponential system”
– SerB 关于 WoWp 乘员技能的经验需求为线性增长:“线性系统作为实验来试行。它比指数增长系统更容易理解,尽管在75%时平均的技能效果要低些(相比指数系统的87%)(译注:技能水平线性增长至75%与指数增长至87%时所需经验相同,约占总经验的57%左右)。乘员升级技能所需的总经验与指数系统相同”

– the average battle time in WoT is 7 minutes, for WoWp it’s 3-4 minutes. The WoWp battles are more dynamical and the developers consider these numbers okay
– WoT 的平均战斗时间为 7分钟,WoWp 为 3-4分钟。WoWp 的战斗节奏更快,开发组认为这些数字没问题。

– SerB states that it is possible to put the T15E2M2 on the Superpershing and it’s also possible to remove it from the regular tank
– SerB 表示可能把 T15E2M2 (180穿)放到超级潘兴上,也有可能把它从原坦克(M26潘兴)上移除

– premium account is now common for WoWp and WoT and it will work for both
– WoWp 和 WoT 的高级账号现在通用并且都有效了

– SerB states that the rewards for player skill improvement are the credits and XP and that’s normal (SS: as in: no extra rewards for steady rating improvement will be offered)
– SerB 表示玩家随着水平的进步会在战斗中获得更多的经验和银币,这很正常(SS:也就是:玩家不会因效率值稳步增长而获得额外的奖励)

– SerB has nothing to do with World of Tanks Assistent (done by a different group)
– SerB 和 坦克世界手机助手 毫无关系(由另一组人做的)

– SerB states that the current bushes are “standard technology” – if they were all modelled in 3D completely, it would require the players to have much stronger computers
– SerB 表示现在的草丛是由“基础技术”做的 – 如果全部使用3D建模,将会需要玩家拥有更好的电脑

– shooting a gun actually forces a visibility check outside of regular visibility check cycles (SS: for details on visibility mechanism, check wotwiki)
– 实际上在开火时,会在常规的点亮检测频率外,添加一次额外的点亮检测(SS:具体点亮检测的细节,参见wotwiki)(中文译本,参见《喵本百科:战斗机制》 https://xvm.garphy.com/?p=65 第五章)

– the future of the “180pen Pershing gun” is “in doubt”
– “180穿潘兴主炮”的未来“还未确定”

– the 170 pen on T15 gun is historical, it’s calculated according to Soviet methodology of penetration, in which it really is 170 pen
– T15 炮的 170穿 是符合历史的,根据苏联的侵彻公式计算,的确为170穿。

– there is a rumor going around RU forums that because of the gold inflation, all the future new premium tanks will be sold via gift shop. This rumor is false.
– 俄服论坛上流传的一条谣言称由于金币通货膨胀,所有新的金币车都会放进商城里出售。这条谣言是假的

– SerB feels “indifferent” towards possible Superpershing penetration buff
– SerB 觉得 超级潘兴 会不会buff穿深“无关紧要”

【Developer Q&A 】2013/08/31》上有1个想法

  1. 实际上在开火时,会在常规的点亮检测频率外,添加一次额外的点亮检测(SS:具体点亮检测的细节,参见wotwiki



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