Q&A 二连发 2013/08/03 及 2013/08/04

Source: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/08/03/3-8-2013/

Well, first and foremost (so he doesn’t kill me or something 🙂 ), Ilosz (EU server) made an interesting WoT magazine – 1st Issue. Graphically it’s very pretty, you can check it out at that post adress.

– SerB on why the various “Stalin” inscriptions were removed from the game (apparently only for EU client): “It wasn’t me or Storm – European office deals with Europe and despite they (at least a part of them) yell “For Stalin!” when drunk, they thought it’s not worth it to have a conflict because of him with a part of the local internet-patriots – not ours, not Soviet, burgeois people.” (SS: I hope this translation is ok, someone correct me if it isn’t)

– historically, there was a project to install the BL-9 gun on IS-3 (it can be found in archives, SerB might write a book about it one day)

– it’s not clear what will happen with the Stalinist inscription, when roaming is activated (SS: as in, there will be ‘For Stalin!’ tanks from RU server roaming to EU server)

– Q: “I will spam ‘For Stalin!’ when I go to EU server using roaming!” A: “Your country will hugely benefit from that and without any doubt you will protect our history from the attacks of revisionists!” (SS: it is irony)

– Q: “I have seen a WoT screenshot, where the loader destroyed the tank by dropping the shell on the ground. Under what conditions can that happen?L” A: “This is a special feature, used for punishing players by the game administrators. Another one is that the tank commander can shoot any of the crewmembers in the head with his pistol, the driver can intentionally drown the tank in a river, radioman can send the tank coordinates to the enemy artillery and the gunner might fire into the allies.”

– SerB on model errors (for example KwK 40 L/48 too short): “Everything is possible, errors are not out of the question.”
SerB对于模型问题的看法(例如KwK 40L/48 太短了这事)“一切皆有可能,错误也不是毫无可能的。”

– the coming removal of Panther top engines is an attempt to make the tanks as historical as possible

– KwK 44 L/70 gun was not any more powerful than the KwK 42 (SS: KwK 44 was a Czech Škoda development for Panther Ausf.F, it had better optics, but power-wise, the gun could IIRC shoot the same shells as KwK 42)
KwK 44 L/70是没有 KwK 42强力的。(SS:KwK 44是个给侦查豹F型准备的炮,F型有更好的光学设备,不过论威力来讲,这个炮和KwK 42用的是一样的炮弹,如果我没记错的话。)

– KV-122 (KV-1S with 122mm gun) was historical

– E-25 has good viewrange, because “the optics are good”

– top tier German and Soviet HE shells too expensive? “Don’t shoot top tier German and Soviet HE shells”

– Q: “The current Soviet LT branch is ugly, will you fix it?” A: “I am sorry, but Soviet light tank designers from the 40′s cared little for our branch beauty”

– ingame currently running event overview? “When it’s done it’s done”
游戏内的现有活动的总览?“When it’s done it’s done”

– there was a Wargaming company party to celebrate the 15th anniversary, “with different drinks”

– it’s possible that the French and the Chinese will get a lowtier light premium tank

– SerB states his longest string of defeats was around 15 in a row


Dafuq… what a bunch of crap was asked today?!


Listy wrote a new article about… tanks with rockets, yes please 🙂

– In connection with making the Panthers more realistic:French Maybach engines changed to historical parameters? “If needed”

– SerB states that you will get the same results, whether you play WoWp with mouse/keyboard or joystick – this was planned (SS: as in, no advantage for joystick users)

– when using roaming, it won’t be possible to buy a tank (SS: for example with discount) from another server

– SerB states that various “Stalin” inscriptions (that were removed from EU server) were historical

– European office can do what the main Minsk office allows it (delegates the authority). SerB thinks that by removing the Stalin inscriptions, they have overstepped their authority, but won’t make a problem out of such a small thing
– new things purchaseable for gold in the future? “Only such things, that won’t directly impact effectiveness in combat”

– World of Tanks Blitz requirements? “Will tell when the time is right”

– when the battle ends, the tracks (and apparently gun too) module repair costs count for 0 (SS: as in, tracks get repaired automatically for free)

– SerB would like to make a full Soviet scout branch, but he states that unfortunately there is no possibility to do that

– the (dark) anniversary hangar has nothing to do with night battles

– apparently, the news that the players will be able to disable the chat completely were wrong, as it (according to SerB) breaks the teamplay
显然,那个关于玩家可以禁用聊天的传言是错的,因为SerB说这样会打破游戏团队协作的宗旨。 (但是可以通过MOD实现)


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