【Developer Q&A 】2013/08/01


– SerB on historical battles: “In War Thunder, it’s possible in historical battles to fly with Dora from 1944 against Mig-15 from the 50′s over Stalingrad. We don’t like this variant, that’s why we are doing more complex system.”

– in WG statistics, winrate plays more important role than damage per battle, because “dealing damage is not the only way how to secure victory”

– when counting server winrates, the 10 percent of lowest and highest results have no influence on the average winrates, developers checked for this (SS: I don’t understand statistics much, but apparently, 10 percent of the highest and lowest results are regularily disregarded)

– it happens once in a while that SerB gets specifically teamkilled in battles, the guy gets banned for that as a general rule

– SerB confirms that the initial Japanese branch will consist only of light and medium tanks

– Japanese light tanks will end with a tier 5 LT

– there will be no post-war light tanks in the tree, there are two STA 25 ton candidates, but the STA program will go to the medium tank branch
日系不会有战后的轻坦的,曾经有过两个STA 25t的候选车辆,不过他们都被拖去填中坦线的坑了。
– regarding Japanese light tanks, nothing more powerful than the Type 5 Ke-Ho was found

– it’s not planned to introduce the 120mm howitzer-equipped infantry support vehicle, based on Chi-Ha, as a light tank

– the WoT ingame interface solution (Scaleform) comes “as is” (“ready”) – and it’s not possible to do anything with the fact it’s a bit slow (and resource-hungry)
WOT内置UI的解决办法(Scaleform) (译注:一家专门制作游戏内置UI的公司,详情点我),已经“准备好了”,鉴于它有点慢(还很吃资源)的情况下,它很有可能没法解决什么问题。

– no plans to introduce the German captured T-34 tank for now


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