【Developer Q&A 】2013/7/26

source: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/07/26/26-7-2013/

– A-32 tank underpowered? “How terrible”
A-32坦克太弱了? “How terrible”

– nerfs of previous patches unreasonable? “Your opinion is very important to us”

– average and maximum damage player statistic might be changed to not include the premium account influence (like in WoWp)

– Q: “Is the maximum amount of implemented premium tanks per patch somehow limited?” A: “Yes, 100 thousand.” (SS: in other words, no)

– Q: “From which tank will the new Soviet branch start?” A: “From a Soviet one”

– T-44 buff (including penetration, passability etc.)? “Stop whining and begging”

– T-111 (T-46-5) will be implemented in the future

– FV4202 wrongly modelled? “How terribly” (SS: a player complained that the angles are wrong and that the ingame model doesn’t look like the real FV4202)
FV4202的模型有问题?“How terribly”(SS:有个玩家抱怨说车辆模型的角度有问题,看起来和真的FV4202不一样。)

– WoT Tweaker not supported and deleted from RU forums? “And where is it written that we have to support something?”

– the removal of premium account on player statistics is possible, but it has little priority

– clans of WG employees getting M60 tank for free without playing WG’s? “How unjust is the world!” (SS: it was explained earlier that WG employees get these tanks for testing)

– SerB on farming: “You farm on tier 5-6, if you want to farm online. In other words, you make money either in game, or outside of it.”

– MS-1 having the same camo factor as T-34? “How terrible”
MS-1和T-34的隐蔽系数一样?“How terrible”

– tank fording equipment (SS: to allow the tank to pass thru water without drowning) might be implemented as an equipment into the game (SS: SerB states “module”, but that would make little sense), but its chance of appearing is smaller than that of amphibious tanks, as it is difficult to implement correctly

– Pz S35 and FCM36 were not removed from the shops, because developers don’t consider them imbalanced
Pz S35和FCM36不从商店里移除的原因是开发团队觉得这些车没有很IMBA。

– regarding finding info on Japanese tanks: the Japanese archives don’t have the same problem as in China, where everything’s secret – a lot of Japanese archives were destroyed during bombings and for example from O-I, only one track piece remains in a museum

– Havok has nothing to do with the movement of tanks, which is calculated serverside, while Havok works clientside

– Japanese tier 10 medium tank should have roughly the same armor as Leopard 1 and Batchat, the concept was the same

– apparently, the balance weight of tier 8-9 tanks in 8.7 was not changed

– 8.8 Soviet branch tier 9 is still being uncovered, there is a paper variant of the Object 430 in Kharkov documents, but only little info is available (SS: which means 8.8 might come later than we hoped)

– apparently, the Highway map base balance is just fine

– Q: “When the option of creating companies on regular account was introduced, one developer mentioned that premium account will get some sort of buff, what will it be?” A: “Secret”

– apparently, the VK2801 gun depression is just fine (SS: some player complained that it’s less than it should be)

– SerB confirms that the Camouflage skill is counted based on crew average

– currently, HESH rounds have no additional effect on crew/modules than other types of rounds (SS: mechanics-wise, HESH rounds are HE rounds)

– free camera is already implemented into the client, but it has been disabled, because according to WG, it will only confuse/get in the way

– manual vertical aiming will be implemented in the future (SS: currently, player basically doesn’t aim on distance, the game does it for him – you just point and click, in the future, it might be possible to adjust the gun elevation manually without moving the reticle, so that the shell flies where you want to)

– SerB is still in France, he states that he will definitely grind the second Soviet med
branch and the British arties, “when I get out of cities, where every 5th packet disappears”

– second German TD branch will NOT include Jagdpanther II

– WT E-100 might get its spaced side armor (“skirts”) removed, other armor will also be thinner
E-100也许会被移除掉它的侧装甲(裙甲),其他的装甲也会变得薄一些。(翻译菌:这货比TOG II还长……)

– apparently (SS: and I have no idea what this means), Wargaming has not given out the
“API stats” for M60 and rating sites are not happy about it, on which SerB stated he doesn’t give a damn about

– serverside replays are still planned

– apparently, there are no formal “minimum” requirements for a vehicle to make it to the game, for example the E-50M was based on rumors only – that the Germans were creating a rear-transmission E-50

– Chaffee rebalance? “When it’s done it’s done” (SS: there were hints that it actually might happen in 8.8/8.9)
霞飞的重新平衡?“When it’s done it’s done”(SS:曾经说过霞飞将会在8.8或者8.9中得到平衡调整。)

– RU251 German T8 LT? “When it’s done it’s done”
德国的8级轻坦,RU251搞的怎么样了?“When it’s done it’s done”

– MT-25 is unlocked from KV-1S, because both vehicles were made by the same designers


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