【Developer Q&A 】2013/7/16, 7/17(停播), /7/18


Nothing much today either. Looks like SerB and Storm are on vacation or something.Veider (another developer) just answers a few questions, such as:

– this area in T110E3 is easily penetrable, it’s the commander’s copula:
110e3の这个部分很容易穿的= =! 红色区域—车长的小黑屋


– some player was moaning about AMX 13 105AM arty, that its gun is too weak for its tier, a developer (Marschig) says that by transferring it to tier 5, its MM spread has actually decreased than it was before
有些屌丝抱怨AMX 13 105AM. 它的管子对于它在这个等级来说弱爆了.Marsching(一个开发人猿)说,炸逼重新平衡后,它的分房其实比起原来好

– the thickness of the bottom armor of the tank is also historical (in other words: if a HE shell lands under the tank, the splash will encounter the bottom armor, which is practically non-existent.
坦克车辆的底部装甲厚度也是基于历史的(也就是说,如果一发HE落在坦克正下方, 溅射会把它爆出翔)

– Komarin and Swamp are still bound to return at some point

Otherwise, not much. Just one more thing:

Remember Listy? He’s an author from EU forums, who wrote a whole bunch of British-themed historical articles. Actually, if my info is correct, it is him personally, who is responsible for finding the AT-15A premium TD documents. So, if you hate AT-15A, go and say hi to Listy, who just started a new FB page with his historical articles.
还记得Listy么?就是他卫星了女王的历史数据,如果消息可靠,他自己说会对金币TD AT-15A的文档负责,所以如果你有啥吐槽的,赶紧去找他喷,他刚开了个贴,赶紧去吧: FB page with his historical articles.


as you probably noticed, this week it’s a bit weak with the developer answers. The reason for it is that Storm is on vacation and SerB is on businesstrip, where the internet is bad. Oh and Veider is apparently finishing up the patch.

The patch 8.7 will come next week most likely as announced earlier.

Not much else to add otherwise, apart from several pieces of info gleaned from various EU/RU/US sources, such as

– when Chaffee moves to tier 6 (yes, it will probably happen, just like it did with T-50-2 and VK2801), it might have its top turret removed

– the Nashorn (2nd German line tier 6 vehicle) will apparently have a 105mm L/52 gun (think Jagdpanther, not Dickermax)
元首2线6级TD–Nashorn会有一门 105 L/52的管子(参考猎豹的105,而不是DickMax的105)

– FV4202 armor might be changed in the future after all, recent measuring revealed differences from the ingame model
女王10级mt — fv4202在将来可能会有装甲变动, 最近毛子用锉刀量过,说游戏里的模型有问题


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