【Developer Q&A 】2013/6/25– R2D2


翻译:  [http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?tid=6339863]

– SerB states that the point where you stop earning and your gain/spend ratio is balanced in WoT is tier 7-8 without the premium account (depends how good the player is), earlier, for premium account it was tier 9, but now (SS: post 0.8.6) it’s tier 10, for non-premium tanks the best farming tiers are 5-6

– not even 50 percent of German SPG’s Wargaming knows about have been implemented into the game

– the impulse to introduce the 0.8.6 shell dispersion in aim circle were relatively often cases of shells flying to the aim circle boundaries
8.6炮弹散布修改的动机之一: 以前炮弹飞到瞄准圈边缘的情况发生得太多。

Q: (paraphrased) “It is a known fact that diesel electric engines such as Porsche system, can go with the same speed forward and backward, why is it not implemented into the game?”
A: “Take your car. Now remove the rear mirror. Cover the rear glass and leave only a small slit. On the rear seat, put your mother in law (she won’t be missed that much) so that she covers the small slit. And now drive cross crountry at full speed backwards, while obeying your mother-in-law’s commands. And don’t forget to include a wish in your testament so that your widow sends us the video of the whole event.”
“把你车上的倒后镜卸掉,后窗封死只留一道缝,让你的丈母娘坐到后座上 (这样出事了就没那么难过) 负责从缝里观察外面,然后你要照着你丈母娘的指示用全速在野外倒车,最后别忘了在遗嘱里告诉你的妻子要把整个过程的视频寄到我们这来。”

– SerB states that he is not convinced that garage battles are necessery for WoT, especially when he recieves bad feedback on them from other projects

– apparently the current punishment for non-active players (no XP and credits) is enough

– after the 0.8.6 introduction there was no additional change in accuracy

– SerB on noobs: “Every noob (with few reasonable exceptions) thinks of himself as a megaskilled player, who doesn’t rightfully pwn everyone only as a result of Wargaming conspiracy.”

– the new accuracy does increase the load of WG servers, but not much

– there will be more miniquests on the servers, they are planned to happen on regular basis

– module tiers are arbitrary numbers, a tier 9 module can have just the same parameters as a tier 10 module theoretically

– sold crew recovery (for example after account theft) will be realized somehow

– 0.8.9 will bring 2nd German TD branch, everything was already decided, Storm will also tell later

– the 0.8.8 patch with Soviet mediums was somewhat confirmed, it is already decided from which tank will the branch start, but Storm will tell in a couple of months

– 0.8.8 tier 10 alternative Soviet tank will be the Object 430, the introduction of this branch does not mean there will be changes in current branches

– 0.8.8 will bring 5 new vehicles along with the Object 430, but other than that, Storm states that it’s too early to talk about it, wait until August/September

– French LeFH arty decreased gun accuracy doesn’t count as combat characteristic change or a nerf (SS: it’s a compensation since arties did get increased accuracy spread too)
Storm表示,那门法系金币火炮的实际精度表现没有变化。 (虽然8.6的纸面精度下降,但因为炮弹散布修改的关系,实战精度基本没有变化。)

– Tiger texture changes (the way VK1602 Leopard was changed) are not planned

– Q: “Do you realize that you created a bunch of junkies, addicted to your game? Don’t you feel ashamed?” A: “*puts away his bread with caviar* I realize that. I feel ashamed. *sadface*”
“ (放下了手中堆满鱼子酱的面包) 是的,我们意识到了,我们觉得很惭愧。 (装哭脸) ”

– “not many things” are planned for 0.8.7


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