【Developer Q&A 】2013/6/21, 6/22– R2D2


翻译: http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?tid=6330026&_fp=2

– Storm confirmed that tank destroyers keep their better camo coefficients than the rest of the vehicles despite camo coefficient’s rebalance to fit it to the vehicle dimensions

– when considering rebalance of vehicles, the current principles stay the same as before

– contrary to earlier reports, the new 0.8.6 shell distribution (AKA “increased accuracy”) DOES apply to arty also, the arty accuracy nerf was actually meant as a balance so that their accuracy remains the same

– King Tiger is “too small” for the superheavy spall liner

– it’s possible to delete the content of X:\Games\World of Tanks\Updates folder safely, those are just old files
“\Games\World of Tanks\Updates”文件夹里的东西在补丁更新完后就没用了,删除掉也没问题。

– the miniquests (“combat tasks”) won’t be permanent, WG will continually introduce new ones and remove the old ones
游戏内的迷你任务(战斗任务)内容不会永远不变,WG会持续加入新的任务内容同时删掉旧的。 (就像各种限期活动奖励一样。)

– there were rumors that the new map will be called “mansion” that is not the case
有谣言说下一张新地图的名字叫作“豪宅” —— 这确实是谣言,纯的。

– Storm when asked whether he likes new sounds: “50/50″

– some players were whining about TD’s being the new arties (too many), Storm thinks it’s BS (“Give me 10 screenshots of 10 battles on tier 10, that follow each other, with 7-10TD’s in every team. If you don’t, I will ban you ok?”

– historical “normalisation” on Soviet guns varied a lot, it was from 0 to 7-8 degrees (SS: “normalisation” effect improving the impact angle was archieved by soft-capped shells, that partially deformed upon impact and “chewed” into armor)

– for now it’s not yet decided, whether a special MM rule, forcing the same type of top tanks in both teams will be implemented (SS: so that one team doesn’t have two T10 heavies and the other two T10 arties)
目前还没决定,是否新加一个分房规则,限定两队排在最高等级的几辆车必须是同类型的车。 (这样就不会出现两门10级炮对位两辆10级重坦的情况了)

– special map-based MM (SS: for example heavies often having maps with more cover) will not be implemented
不会有特殊的配合车辆类型进地图的分房规则。 (例如重坦高几率分到有很多掩体的地图之类)

– so far, Storm thinks the accuracy wasn’t overbuffed, but he will keep an eye on statistics

– the Westfield bridge was repaired only for the assault mode

– shell distribution within the aim circle IS dependent on the gun accuracy. A gun with 0.33 accuracy will have more shells flying straight to the center than a 0.4 gun.

– official shell velocity data won’t be made public

– British and German tanks won’t recieve any buff to compensate for the fact that now ALL the tanks are reasonably accurate and not just them
英系和德系以前靠精准吃饭的炮 不会 因为所有平射炮精度都提高了而得到额外增强来补偿它们失去的精度优势。

– if you hit enemy tracks and recieve “that one bounced” sound, even though you detracked the enemy, it’s not a bug, it means that the shell didn’t penetrate the armor behind the tracks

– Q: “Is it true that at this moment, WoT is more popular than World of Warcraft or Counterstrike?” A: “Depends which parameters you measure.”

– during the announced big rework of game models, both tanks and other objects (houses etc.) will be reworked, but not necesserily at the same time

– the fact some tank has covered tracks by (real life) spaced armor plates doesn’t automatically mean these plates are actually working as extra spaced armor, it’s different with each tank (SS: for example the Schmalturm PzIV side mesh armor doesn’t work), but if it does, then it counts as two layers of spaced armor: one is the plate and one is the track module behind it
现实中坦克履带外侧有裙甲不一定代表它们是作为间隙装甲存在的,要看具体车辆的设置,但如果一辆车的裙甲可以被当作间隙装甲,那么游戏里就等于有两层间隙装甲 —— 裙甲以及履带模块。

– realistic sounds like in Gnomefather’s mod? “We need time to implement such stuff, so we can do it in good quality”

– the reason for the roaming mechanism are clanwars and international championships, roaming in randoms is just a “side-effect”

– SerB states that the current negative reaction on the patch is not unusual: “It’s always like that”, this negative reaction comprises largely of the reluctance to adapt to new conditions

– SerB commenting on the fact that while some vehicles in the game are historical and it’s not a problem, some are not and when players point that out, the reply is “it’s not a simulator”:
“We have a game (a game, not a simulator) based on historical basis. We decide, where the basis ends and the game begins. Yes, whenever we want and however we want.”
“我们的游戏 (不是模拟器) 是基于历史基础来开发的。至于这个历史基础能还原到哪个程度,还有从哪里开始要迁就游戏性,全部都由我们说了算。”

– Evilly (RU community chief): it’s still an open question, whether there will be permanent rewards for medals
Evilly (俄服开发人员之一)表示:对于勋章以后是否会带有永久性的奖励,依然是一个争论中的问题。




– Storm himself in’t happy with the 0.8.6 sounds. Some sounds will be reworked or moved back to the 0.8.5 version in 0.8.7 (namely the tank being hit and explosion sounds).

– the T-44 will have the sound of shifting gears and various engine RPM sound on various speed implemented, based on real life T-44 sounds

– apparently, the Russian weekend event with double XP/income for top players is VERY popular
(每场战斗中伤害或裸经验排名前几位的玩家可以获得双倍银币或经验的奖励 —— 但双倍银币被开发人员认为太损害经济平衡,决定以后不会再有双倍这么高的奖励。)

– Wargaming’s statistical data on how many people played/play arty won’t be disclosed

– Type 59 won’t be rebalanced (like the Superpershing)

– the fact whether arty gains enough XP per battle in 0.8.6 will be known after 2 weeks or so (when first statistic results come in)

– Storm states that it is not true that the 0.8.6 brought reduced performance (FPS) for a lot of people. In fact, he says it’s the other way around, 0.8.6 increased FPS for a lot of people (SS: including me), if you have lower FPS in 0.8.6, Storm suggests to write a support ticket and ask there. Otherwise the complaints on FPS drops are normal after each patch.

– upcoming patches will bring new game features and optimalisations

– Pz38H (“Micromaus”) had its MM weight reduced
38H(德系二级金币车) 的权重已经降低到正常2级车水平。

– general light tank rebalance is not planned

– it’s possible destructible sand hills (SS: not sure what exactly is meant here, but I don’t think it’s the terrain dunes, more like small sand terrain features) will be introduced, but not soon
未来或许会有一发炮弹下去把小沙丘炸散的效果 ,但无论如何不是近期会做出来的东西。

– dynamic amount of complaints per day (SS: the more you play, the more times you can report someone in game) will not be introduced for now


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