
Which Modifications Will Be Penalized?



We know there are many mods out there, and we’ve integrated features from some of the best. However, some mods or apps work against the community’s best interests. To be clear on what makes our “naughty and nice” list when we review third-party software, here’s how we divide them up:


  1. Mods that don’t provide a gameplay advantage, merely information customization for the viewer. They are “pure” mods, and we like them.
  2. Mods that provide a gameplay advantage in what we believe to be a positive way. These will be considered “good” for the time being, and may even inspire official game features.
  3. Mods that provide a gameplay advantage in what we believe to be a negative way. These are classified as cheats, and are illegal going forward.

Here’s some examples of negative gameplay advantages from the third category. Players found using them will be penalized:


  • Revealing the positions of enemies in a way not included in the vanilla client. Marking objects destroyed on the map and minimap in real-time by altering the display of shell flight tracers or calculating the position of enemy artillery with tracers and marking them, as well as those that keep spotted vehicles displayed, even when not aiming at them
    以【纯净】客戶端【沒有提供】的方式去揭露出敵人位置的模組: 像是透過在地圖及小地圖上即時標示出被摧毀的物件【(类似压树雷达)】、透過修改砲彈顯示的飛行軌跡或以軌跡去計算出敵方自走炮的位置並標示出它們【(类似火炮红点)】,以及那些會持續顯示已被發現、即便是你沒有瞄準它們的車輛等等。
  • Making it easier to block an enemy’s shell by indicating their exact aiming point (for example, with a laser beam)
  • Alerting you when spotted vehicles are reloading, including displaying an enemy’s reloading timer
  • Auto-aim, or “aimbots” that provide more functionality than the “aim lock” in the vanilla client, specifically those that aim at the enemy’s weak spots or automatically lead the aim so the offending player can focus on maneuvering their tank
    提供比一般客戶端中「鎖定目標」功能性更好的自動瞄準、或被稱為「Aimbot」。 具體來說,包括那些會瞄準敵人弱點以及/或是自動去計算瞄準前置量好讓作弊者可以去專注操控自己的戰車等模組。
  • Enabling automatic use of non-Premium consumables
  • Aiding in finding enemies by letting you adjust the transparency of objects on the map
    透過讓你調整地圖上物件的透明度, 以有助於找到敵人的模組【(比如去树去草)】
  • Leaving “ghosts” of enemy vehicles on the battlefield where they were last detected
    能在戰場上留下【敵方車輛最後被發現位置虚影】的軟體(非小地圖上的最後偵測位置, 而是戰場上顯示)
  • Any direct alteration of the physical properties, performance characteristics, or effects of any vehicle or object in the game, or otherwise subverting the game rules
One More Category: In-Battle Armor Viewers
We believe this functionality (which shows the critical armor zones of a vehicle during battle) provides a significant advantage. Since we didn’t treat it as a cheat in the past, we are not adding it to the “forbidden” list for now. Instead, we’re working on our own version of an in-battle armor viewer with genuinely beneficial functions. Once that debuts, the mods that offer this will be added to the list and be banned.
To be perfectly clear, this only applies to in-battle viewers. Similar mods that work only in the Garage are great; we don’t consider them cheating. In fact, we think in-Garage viewers help newer players learn to fight better. It’s only the ones that provide extra information during actual gameplay that we think are unfair, and will be punished under the Fair Play policy.



請注意,這只適用於戰鬥中的檢視器。那些只會在車庫中運作 (而不是在戰鬥進行時) 的裝甲檢視模組是很棒的。對我們來說,它們不是作弊。事實上,我們認為車庫中的檢視器是真正有所幫助的工具,能幫新手玩家灌輸知識、以及學習如何去更好使用或對付不同的戰車。只有那些會在戰鬥中提供額外資訊的模組,我們不認為這樣叫公平,因此將會受到我們的公平遊戲政策的作用。


  1. 装甲等效显示器其实很不错的,原本自带的绿点黄点红点一来不是很精确,二来对于色盲玩家会分辨不出来,官方能有意改进真是太好了

  2. 我之前总在游戏里说,彻底封了盒X,就断了一堆黑插件。一局30人,29个用,最少也得一小半在用什么压树、反火炮、银币灭火。接近100%用去草。我一说别人的效率140+(其实XVM算还不错的),他们就骂我说我少打个0。。。一群傻X

  3. 然而国服的游戏环境,作弊插件都已经可以说是公开化了,直播平台都有使用作弊插件公开直播的,官方的不作为,我们想要的公平游戏根本就不存在


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