【WOWS Q&A】2017/03/02+03

WoWS: Sub_Octavian Q&A (3rd March 2017)


Thanks to yankee05, EU Forums

Wot magazine Issue 6, talking about WoWS future.

  • In short,getting pan-asian branch,
  • french crusiers and bbs,
  • Second set of Ru DDs, smely, neustrashimy and project 56 destroyers will recieve the new weapon type (Mines?).
  • BB population at 40%. Trying to nerf it via captain skill changes
  • New high tiers won’t be nerfed yet (ie British) until population size is large enough
  • EU, NA ,SEA showing better results than (population wise) better than ru.
  • CVs getting starcraft controls, losing alt attack at lower tiers. Want to change CVs slowly/with extreme caution
  • Stealth firing in the open being removed
  • Working on clan features. Something similar to team battles. Global map may happen in future, but not this year
  • PvE features are being worked on, something like raids

Q: Can you explain why camo application works like it currently does? How it must must be destroyed to change types, unlike other things like signals and consumables? I understand the realism factor. Once you apply paint, you can’t get it back.

A: Well, the original design was connected with IRL logic as you said – you cannot demount camo from the ship. However, when you think about it…this is not the matter where we should stick to IRL logic. Your idea is solid – this is the matter of comfort. We discussed your question with game designers and decided to improve camo application logic so it will be demountable like signal flags. I’m not promising 0.6.3 or 0.6.4, but I think we will manage to squeeze it into some of the foreseeable future updates.

Q: According to various leaks and a google-translated russian portal page, the RUDD are going to get their HE damage buffed. what was the balancing decision behind that, as currently the russian DDs dont seem to lack in the damage.

A: We have to remember that HP absolute values are quite different between classes. VMF DDs are busy trying to make BBQ from BBs, so their absolute damage numbers look good. But when we studied their competitive aspect comparing to other light ships and relative damage, we realized they could use this buff.

Q: Take 2: My question is about the Clear Sky achievement. It got changed a long time ago as it was far too easy to achieve at high tiers. This was a necessary change.

A: Clear Sky achievement needs tweaking, and we will do it when it’s time for achievements update.

Q: Not long ago the 250x signal flag supercontainers were removed from the game. Similarly, signal flag rewards in the current ranked season were cut way back (by as much as 75%, I believe), with none at all being given out from ranks 9 through 2. Is this an indication that you believe signal flags are providing too much of an advantage to some players, and you’re trying to cut back on their usage?

A: Not exactly. The problem is, these signals were initially designed as rare/medium items with remarkable bonuses and value. However, with more and more ways to get them, the situation started to get out of control.

Q: Hi Octavian. I have quite a few things to ask, actually.
1. Will we get permanent Camouflage for Tier 5 ships?
1. 五级船会有永久迷彩吗?

2.The new patch with the new special upgrades has been out for sometime, do you have statistics around what percentage of the people who got it have actually used it?
2. 特殊插件已经推出了一段时间了,有关于这方面的数据吗,比如多少人拿到了/在用?

3.I knew this question has been asked for a lot of times, but again. The IJN DD rework is out for quite sometime, do you still think they are competitive? How’s the statistics doing? I might be wrong here but on the main line they aren’t doing great are they? Is it really players who have to adapt to a newer playstyle? Or is it that they are not equipped good enough to do the job? Any words on potential buffs?
3. 我还是要说。日驱重制已经过了很久了,你觉得日驱还有竞争力吗?数据方面怎么样?好像日驱主线表现不是很好的样子。日驱现在真的是需要玩家自身水平变高才能去玩吗?还是说它们的数据不行?会Buff吗?

4.Could the Japanese techtree get some high tier trainers?
4. 日本能不能多出点高级金币船方便练舰长?

5.Haifuri collaboration details, if possible? I know this is handled mainly by the asia cluster but there is no way to directly connect with asia server Devs.
5. 高校舰队联动的细节,能多说两句吗?虽然联动那边是海服挑头,但是联系海服的Dev基本是不可能的。

6.With the gradual removal of open water stealth fighting, will there be buffs to ships very reliant on this feature? Notable examples like Akizuki and other gunboat DDs.
6. 随着开放水面上隐身炮的移除,以后会对那些十分依赖这个机制的船做出Buff吗?比如秋月和其他炮驱。


  1. It is possible, but our Art team has very tight schedule and lots of incoming tasks. I think they will make it to T V some day, but I cannot promise. In terms of player usefulness, top-tier permanent camos are better, as T V economy is very mild and is not going to profit as much from permanent camos.
  2. We will perform analysis approximately in a month. Now, it’s too early. Personal experience: I got speed boost and smoke screen upgrades. My Shira and Perth are very happy:)
  3. They are competitive, but, as I said many times, they have become more skill-dependent. Yes, many players adapted, and it’s nice to see even well-performing Akatsuki in Ranked. However, large number of players seem to play in old style, lowering ships avg. stats. Here are their 0.6.1 stats of winrate, compared them to other researchable DDs.

Minekaze 1/5 Mutsuki 3/5

Fubuki 5/5 Hatsuharu 2/5
吹雪5/5 初春2/5

Akatsuki 4/5 Shiratsuyu 1/5
晓4/5 白露1/5

Akizuki 1/5 Kagero 3/5
秋月1/5 阳炎3/5

Yugumo 4/4

Shimakaze 4/4

  1. It will. I can only ask for your kind patience.
  2. We’re working on ships, sounds and commanders. We aim for 2017, and I cannot provide more information than that. Sorry.
  3. No preliminary buffs will be made, because even with advantages, we did not design any ship in the game to rely only on SF. However, we will be observing the stats as thoroughly as we can after SF removal, and we will be ready to apply buffs, should any ships lose their value.

Q: Hi there. Is there a plan to balance MM so that 1 team doesn’t get 4 radars and the other team gets none? In ranked this happened 6 games in a row to me. Obviously ridiculously unfair.
问:1. 有计划平衡MM吗,以便不会再出现某一队有6个雷达,对面一个都没有的情况?我天梯里面已经连续六把这样了,很不公平。

A: We will think about it and other improvements for the next Ranked Seasons.

Q: Heyho Sub! While reading the latest news on the new RU DDs I noticed that one branch gets the Defensive Fire AA consumable. After reading this I somehow felt a little bit strange. Yes, I know that the Akizuki is currently performing very well and you said some time ago (if i remember correctly) that she already shoots down more planes than you guys actually have planed.

A: Hello. We are quite happy that Akizuki is good in shooting down the planes, and we are aware of her IRL role. That’s why we gave her very strong base AA values (for her current tier). We will consider Def AA fire option instead of some other consumable, but I should say there is no rule that every ship with strong AA should have Def AA fire. For example, Minotaur is notorious for her AA, but she manages well without Def AA fire, and giving it to her actually would be pretty crazy. Many battleships in the game have large AA armament, not worse than AA cruiser’s, but again, we’re not giving them Def fire. This is where historical accuracy and gameplay collide. Thank you for interesting question:)

Q: Hello there Sub! Short one this time: Removal or change of stealth firing in the open water that was planned – will this enveloping change also affect premium ships capable of stealth fire?

A: Hi! Yes. As you probably know, we always do our best to preserve premium ships from nerfing. However, systematic changes to game mechanics should not skip premiums, as it is not fair and contradicts free-to-win model.

Q: 1. Could you provide the winrate difference when one team has 1 more DD than another in high tier game? 2. Could you provide the winrate difference when one team has more USN DD than another in high tier game? e.g. one team has 2 Gearing and another team has 2 Shima. 3. As you mentioned before that Iowa and Montana will get a citadel buff in 0.6.4, will Missouri get that buff as well?
问:1. 能说下在高阶随机战斗中,一方比另一方多一条DD时的胜率差距吗?
2. 能说下高阶随机战斗中,一方比另一方多一条美驱时的胜率差距吗?
3. 你们之前说过在0.6.4中,衣阿华和蒙大拿会获得核心区方面的Buff,密苏里也会吗?

A: 1. Yes. It is around 1%, in the favour of fewer OR more DDs, depending on overall DD quantity in battle. We studied this case specifically, based on community feedback, and as a result, know that the influence is utterly low.

  1. Uh-oh! If there are 2 Shimas and 2 Gearing in battle, they should be distributed evenly (if they are not in divisions). This is how MM should work. If you have evidence contrary to this, please PM me, and we will look into it.
  2. Yes. But let us not dive into abyss of exaggeration:) I said we will consider this change for 0.6.4. That is not = “will be done in 0.6.4”.


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