【WOWS Q&A】2016/12/21


Thanks to Babykim, EU

The digest by getfun and z1ooo of the Q&A session with developers at WG Fest

1. The game takes the 30th place of all MMO in the world in terms of the size of the audience, and 13th place in terms of sales. Some 8mil players played the game in the past 1.5 years.
1. WOWS在世界范围内的MMO玩家人数排在了第30位,利润排在了第13位。在过去的一年半中有800万玩家玩过WOWS。

2. The German destroyers are coming this week.
2. 本周内就会推出德驱。

In 2017 will be the year of clans (functionality, scenario battles), high tier content and carriers. We will see

3. Soviet Cold War era destroyers, with leaders forming a sub-brunch of the main branch.
3. 苏联在冷战期间的驱逐舰会作为现在毛驱的小分线推出

4. scenarios, competitions and even items for Clan members. There will be no direct integration of WOT clans. Existing WOT clan tags will be reserved for a while, so that WOT clans can migrate to WOWS.
4. 军团玩家可以玩场景战斗,参加竞赛,甚至是获得道具。但是WG不会直接把WOT的军团拿到WOWS这边。现有的WOT的军团标签会被暂时性的占用,这样的话可以方便那些WOT的军团转移到WOWS来。

5. a rework of captain perks. The set of skills leaked thus far is not final. The excess of XP over the last level will probably be convertible to free XP for money.
5. 舰长技能的重制。之前泄露出来的技能依然不是最终版本,现在考虑是把在点出最后一级只能之后所获得的经验放在一起,然后可以用金币兑换成全局经验。

6. other special captains. Seagal may get a double citizenship in game.
6. 其他特殊的舰长。游戏内的西格尔可能会获得双重国籍。

7. the release of the escort mode based on the success of the Halloween event, and other scenarios.
7. 由于万圣节模式的成功,WG会正式实装护卫模式和其它的场景战斗。

8. Due to the whine of the Western player base, the USS Alabama will be for sale later. The super testers will get Alabama ST. It will be relatively easily to obtain the ship as a super tester upon the conclusion of a test season.
8. 由于西方玩家的强烈抗议,美国的阿拉巴马之后会上架。超测玩家们拿到船会被命名为阿拉巴马 ST。在测试季结束的时候作为超测玩家还是很容易就能弄到这艘船的。

9. New carriers or rebalance of existing carriers are not forthcoming before their interfaces is a revamp. The developers want to radically simplify the carrier interface, making it more accessible to the average player.
9. 至于新的航母或者是对现有航母的重置都要等到界面重做做好了以后才行。开发团队想要大幅度的简化现在的航母界面,让一般的玩家也可以进行更好的操作。

10. The carriers farm less for damage, because they are the easiest class for dealing damage, the most difficult being the destroyers. Therefore, if carriers would get the same XP for damage, they would farm significantly better than other classes. But the structure of farm will be changed, with data being collected till the end of the year.
10. 航母通过打伤害的收益是很低的,因为它们是最容易打伤害的船,而最不容易打出伤害的是驱逐舰们。所以说如果航母的伤害收益和其他舰种持平的话,那它们打起钱来就太容易了。现在在收集相关的数据,之后可能会对收益结构做出调整。

11. Other issues include the balance of some cruiser branches and the lack of higher tier gameplay.
11. 还有其他一些关于部分巡洋舰线的平衡问题,还有就是缺少高阶游戏体验的问题。

12. Further tournaments are planned. The Clash of Servers format was immensely popular, with ten times the audience of other tournaments (3000 versus 300 followers). The rules of the next tournament will be coming soon. The tournament is scheduled for february-march.
12. 会有其他的大奖赛。之前的服务器战争的反响很好,是其他大奖赛观众数量的10倍。下一次大奖赛的规则很快就会推出,时间大概定在2~3月。

13. The content of containers is determined at the moment of opening them.
13. 补给箱的内容是在开箱的一瞬间决定的。

14. It is not possible to equip all premium ships with special features. That is why some of them simply receive an economy bonus (Prinz Eugen, which will be not the only premium to have a regular sister ship).
14. 金币船是不会拥有所有的特色的。这就是为什么部分金币船只有一个银币收益加成(而且欧根不会是最后一艘拥有银币版本的金币船)

15. When fighters pursue an attack group, it sometimes happens that the widened template returns to the normal narrow one. This happens when the attack group looses etched from it pursuers due to superior speed.
15. 当战斗机在攻击时,偶尔会出现很分散的编组变回了原来的狭窄编组的情况。这是因为进攻方由于速度过快而必须进行的调整。

16. The developers are not satisfied with the first season of team battles. After some changes, the new team battles will be available for clans as well as solo players.
16. 开发团队对于组队战的第一季并不是很满意。他们会对组队战进行一些调整之后再次上线,并且会提供给军团和单野玩家进行游戏。

17. The developers are satisfied with the format of ranked battles. But an experimental shorter season with new rules may be tried in January or February.
17. 开发团队对天梯战的形式很满意,但是他们可能会在一月或者是二月的时候测试一个更短的,规则也有所变化的天梯赛季。

18. They are working on a service to transfer gold into doubloons for the near future. However, if you currently have at least 5000 gold in tanks or planes, you can ask the support to transferred it manually. The 5000 gold minimum may be reduced in the future when the number of requests abates.
18. 开发团队正在准备在近期内把其他游戏的金币转换成WOWS的金币的功能。当然了你要是现在WOT或者WOWP中有5000金币的话,你可以让客服直接帮你人工转移过去。等以后玩家呼声变高了的话可能会考虑降低5000金币的这个下限。

19. The game engine is under development. A Linux client can be developed in a distant future.
19. 游戏引擎现在还处于发展期。Linux的客户端可能要等很久以后才会有了。

20. Th developers believe that +1/-1 match-making is unnecessary under the current meta.
20. 开发团队认为±1的MM在现在的游戏中是不必要的。

21. If the removal of firing from invisibility would significantly reduce a ship’s performance, that ship will be buffed subsequently.
21. 如果移除了隐身炮会严重影响到船只的表现的话,那么这艘船会获得相应的buff

22. Mastery stripes, faster captain leveling on elited ships are not planned.
22. 没计划推出像坦克世界的M章类似的系统,也没计划推出完全体船只上的舰长加速训练

23. An official preview video for 2017 is coming in January.
23. 明年1月的时候会有2017年的预览视频

24. Direct X11 support and optimization are coming, with an increase in frame rate.
24. 会推出针对DX11的支持和优化,帧数会有所上升。

25. The training room will be reworked in 2017.
25. 训练房会在2017年进行重制。

26. The developers are looking for ways of giving the IJN Kitakami to experienced players, without enraging beginners.
26. 开发团队在想办法把北上发给那些很有经验的玩家,同时要想办法不让新玩家生气。

27. Torpedo single-fire mode will remain a speciality of the RN.
27. 单发鱼雷会作为英国船的特色而保留。

28. The developers are against earning based on the share of enemy team total hit points damaged by a player. This would give an incentive to seal club, as the average share steadily falls with tier.
28. 开发团队很反对之前的通过一名玩家所造成的伤害占据了敌方队伍总血量的比例来进行收益判定的想法。这样做只会激励屠幼的玩家,因为平均伤害比例是会随着等级下降而稳定下降的。

29. Smaller hangars in lower tier carriers leaves little room for error, large hangars on higher tiers are more foregiving. But giving larger hangars at lower tiers will make the low tier carriers even more powerful.
29. 低阶航母由于机库小,所以容错率也小,高阶航母的机库大,容错率也就大。但是如果在低阶的时候就把航母的机库弄大会让低阶航母更强。

30. Further reducing ship characteristics due to damage is not planned, as no-one like playing crippled ships.
30. 没计划实装由于伤害而导致的船只属性下降,因为没人愿意玩个残废了的船。

31. The forthcoming depot will allow selling things that could not be sold individually before, but not stocking consumables for the future.

32. Further port optimization is coming in a medium term. Customization of port is not a priority.
32. 中期计划内是要对母港进行再一次的优化。自定义母港的开发优先级很低。

33. Performance of ships in cyclone is balance so that each class loses something. Previously the carriers had the upper hand in cyclones. The cyclones are not universally popular and therefore will remain a special feature for increasing gameplay variability.
33. 现在船只在飓风天气中的表现是平衡的,每个舰种都稍微失去了一些东西。之前的话航母在飓风天气中是有优势的。飓风天气并不是什么大家都喜欢的东西,所以还是会像现在这样作为增加游戏多样性的一个特殊机制而存在。

34. In 2017, the USN heavy cruisers Pensacola, New Orleans and Baltimore will be buffed, without losing their better AP rounds.
34. 2017年会对彭萨科拉,新奥尔良和巴尔的摩进行Buff,而且它们的AP弹会得到保留。

35. Night battles will not work on lower-end computers due to lighting features.
35. 夜战由于照明机制的问题在老爷机上是根本玩不了的。

36. In four to five months measures will be taken for reducing the attractiveness of carrier on lower tiers and raising their attractiveness at higher tiers.
36. 在4~5个月内会想办法去降低低阶航母的吸引力,并且增加高阶航母的吸引力。

37. Historical battles may come as scenarios in PvE. Historical battles are unsuitable for the PvE, because historical battles were rarely balanced and the ship performance in game is not historical (arcade).
37. 历史战斗可能会作为PVE的场景战役而推出。但是历史战直接加进PVE是不太妥当的,因为历史战役很少是平衡的,而且游戏内的船只表现也都不是史实的。

38. Mines may be possible in PvE but not PvP. Mines cause sudden deaths of enemies or suicide of allies, both of which are not popular.
38. 水雷可能会出现在PVE内,但是不会出现在PVP。水雷可能会导致敌人的突然死亡,或者是队友的死亡,而这些大家都不是很喜欢。

39. Personal training mission for beginners are planned, for example how to avoid torpedoes if the player gets torpedoed often.
39. 有计划给新手加入一个个人训练任务,比如说如果玩家被雷击太多的话就会教它们如何去躲避鱼雷。

40. The Graf Spee will be an award ship of a Christmas campaign.
40. 施佩伯爵会作为圣诞活动的奖励而发放。

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