【WOWS Q&A】2016/09/19


Thanks to Babykim, EU

Summary of an interview with Daniil Volkov on Wargaming.FM
Wargaming.FM与Daniil Volkov的采访的总结

1. We plan releasing another branch this year, in addition to the new Japanese destroyers and the British cruisers.
1. 除了日驱和英巡,我们还计划在年内实装另一条线

2. In 2017 we plan to release four new branches, and the German carrier Graf Zeppelin.
2. 2017年我们计划是实装四条新线,以及德国航母,齐柏林。

3. The depot is coming relatively soon.
3. 仓库系统快出了。

4. We are seriously looking into the submarines, as they are in popular demand. They will probably not come in 2017, but likely at a later date. One alternative considered is having submarines as bots.
4. 我们在认真考虑潜艇的可能性,因为现在呼声很大。但是估计在2017年年内是出不了,起码要等到更后面才行。另一种方案是让Bot来操纵潜艇。

5. The new Japanese destroyers and the British cruisers are scheduled for 0.5.12, if they finish testing in time.
5. 新的日驱和英巡都是计划在0.5.12实装,前提是要能够按时结束测试才行。

6. We do not like firing from invisibility. Destroyers firing from smoke are fine, but not battleships. We are working to change the gameplay.
6. 我们并不喜欢隐身炮这个概念。在烟里面开炮的驱逐也就算了,战舰可不行。我们在想办法调整游戏体验。

7. We are satisfied with the current complexity of gameplay, and would rather make a bit more complex than simpler.
7. 我们对于现在游戏体验的复杂程度感到满意,但是我们宁愿再把它弄的复杂一点,而不是弄的简单一点。

8. We are working on gameplay on high tiers towards less dominance of the battleships and more room for the cruisers.
8. 我们在想办法调整高阶战斗的游戏体验,让BB作为主打的情况下降,给巡洋舰留出更多的生存空间

9. We are not satisfied with the carrier gameplay, and are working on a better interface for them.
9. 我们对于航母的游戏体验不是很满意,现在正在制作一个更好的界面。

10. The lags in port will soon be addressed.
10. 我们近期会解决母港里面卡顿的问题

11. This year will see another major rework of the captain skill tree, and an early version of clan functionality.
11. 今年年内会有另一次对于舰长技能树的重大重制,还有军团功能的先行版。

12. Daily missions will soon be replaced by containers shown at Gamescom 2016.
12. 日常任务系统很快会被在今年Gamescom上展示的战利品箱系统取代掉

13. We focus equally on all regions. The Russian market is most difficult, because the immensely popular WoT drains many players form ships to tanks.
13. 我们分配在所有区域上的资源都是相等的。毛服市场做起来是最难的,因为WOT的高人气导致WOWS的很多玩家跑去玩坦克了。

14. Our most mature playerbase is in NA (average age 40 years), the youngest in Asia (25-27 years).
14. 我们现在最成熟的用户群是美服(玩家平均年龄40岁),而最年轻的的是海服(25~27岁)

Update: The Russian battleships definitely not coming in 2016.

The Q&A by Vessery dated September 15:

Q: Why can the bow of the Scharnhorst (belt 70mm, rest 25mm) bounce shells from the Colorado and the Nagato, whereas the Warspite (belt 102mm plus a 25mm bulge, rest 25mm) can only bounce the Fuso shells?

A: The armor belt of the Warspite is shorter, leading to more frequent penetrations.

Q: How do multiple layers of armor work?

A: The penetration is checked every time armor is hit. For example, a shell can penetrate the armor belt, but bounce from a citadel.


Q: Which guns shall I use on the tier 9 German battleship?

A: The 406mm are better suited for fighting cruisers, the 420mm against battleships. The same ideas apply also to the tier 10.

Q: When will captain levels beyond 12 unlock?

A: When we have the content that should come with them.

Q: How are base capture ribbons awarded?

A: You get an assist for less than 80 percent of the total cap points, and a capture for 80 or more percent.

Q: What about the 19th captain skill point?

A: It is effectively a lid. While it still can be achieved, doing so would take an unreasonable about of time. In other words, if you already have 18 points, probably you should not bother getting the next one at the moment.



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