【Developer Q&A 】2013/6/6, 6/7 – 超潘不砍但是下架

翻译:  [http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?tid=6290532]


Also, Slavamakarov (surprisingly his real name is Slava Makarov, one of the producers/developer head honchos) confirmed that Superpershing will be taken away from the shop. It is not yet decided whether this will be a permanent thing, or just temporary. It’s also not yet sure when that happens. He himself was the author of this proposal and it was approved by SerB and Storm, he doesn’t view it as a compromise.


– apparently, Maus ROF won’t be buffed

– the system where only the best players of each team are rewarded (like in sport) won’t be implemented, as WoT is a team game
有个熊孩子提出应该给战斗中最出色的玩家额外奖励,并且移除TK惩罚,因为他觉得有那些奖励在人人都会认真打不会干傻事。。。。 (这位肯定没见过为抢人头或拿勋章TK掉队友的人….)

– the new SU-26 top gun AP shell has the penetration of 80, while the golden HEAT shell has the penetration of 74. This is intentional, as the AP shell loses a lot of penetration over distance, while the HEAT one doesn’t.

– automatic fire extinguisher test price (10k) is just an experiment, it’s not definitive






– Q: “Is the T110E4 armor historical?” A: “Well, give us the data of the REAL E4, we’ll be happy to have a look at it”

– SerB on why can’t all the tanks have their maximum speed higher (the way IS-7 was buffed): “Well, try it if the hill is steep enough, any tank can go really fast” (SS: the reason why the maximum speed is probably not increased is the suspension/transmission/drivetrain durability, which in real life would get torn to pieces)

– the source for T110E3, E4 and E5 tanks is the Hunnicutt: Firepower book
T110E3、E4和E5的资料来源于 R.P Hunnicutt的书《Firepower, A History Of The American Heavy Tank》。 (看过这书就知道E4的虚构成分有多重…所以WG才能毫无顾虑地干出一刀砍掉50mm装甲这种事情来。)

– from the player presented list of “Panzer 61, Panzer 68, Sheridan and Walker Bulldog”, SerB says only one thing: Sheridan has the smallest chance to appear in the game out of those four

– SerB states that when it comes to models, first, they are going to have a look at destructible model parts of various tanks under Havok and then they might have a look at additional 5th vehicle customization type (the 4 being visual camo, modules, equipment and consumables)
“首先我们要先把坦克装备被打中的效果 (Havok引擎的客户端物理效果) 做了,再来搞其他东西。”

– additional archievements might be implemented, but they have low priority

– apparently no more Norse mythos inscriptions are planned on German tanks


(其实不止一个,我记得至少还有“海姆达尔”… 不过我们明白这是SerB式的嘲弄就好。囧)

– there was a suggestion to split KV-1S to tier 6 and 7 tanks and put IS-2 on tier 8, SerB said this won’t happen

– the game has no anti-archievements (SS: for 20 misses in a row for example), because SerB thinks there would be always be a bunch of retards, who would “collect” these on purpose, screwing up the gameplay.

– following patches according to SerB: British arty, cybersport, some unnamed tanks, roaming, clanwars (SS: lovely, so many things that most people would enjoy if you wonder what roaming is, it’s the ability to temporarily play on other servers with your original account, for example with RU account on EU/US servers. It’s connected with upcoming clanwars merge (RU vs EU vs US))

– devs are not planning to reduce the amount of polygons on tank hulls and turrets in connection with the planned physics tank turning on their back (SS: tank turns on its back you need to model its bottom properly = more polygons overall) quite the contrary in fact
开发人员并没有为了以后更多的车辆效果 (例如翻车) 而减少车辆模型上的多边形数量 —— 事实上正相反,车辆模型的多边形越做越多了。

– SerB states that there are enough tanks for an Argentinian minibranch. All would be based on one vehicle the branch would be small, but totally epic.

– the sound of turret turning is being developed

– the miniturret on top of the KV-4 turret doesn’t have its own minimantlet
KV-4炮塔顶上的迷你炮塔并没有独立的迷你炮盾。 (做成了一整块装甲)

– on one tank, various suspensions have various terrain passability factors
同一辆坦克的不同履带有不同的地形适应性。 (升级履带的适应性通常也会更好)

– SU-101 without M62 gun is doing fine

– 7/42 companies: “when it’s done it’s done”

– despite the fact Storm wrote that there will be no further nerfs of arty in 0.8.6, their profitability has been lowered in test 2. Storm states that what he meant was “combat characteristics”, among which the profitability doesn’t count


– currently the ROF displayed in the hangar takes into account only the 100 percent loader, not commander’s bonus

– it is possible for both teams in random battle to have different number of platoons, if the MM mechanism considers the MM weight difference between those too small (for example 2×2 man platoons vs 1×3 man platoon)
随机战两边队伍有可能会有不同数量的小队,只要分房系统认为它们的权重差别不大。 (例如一边有两个两人小队,另一边有一个三人小队)

– Tiger, Jagdtiger and Tiger II will have their maximum speed increased at some point (without horsepower buff)





英国的Sexton I 金币火炮——
8.6来不及修改,会在未来某版本推出。(某开发人员表示8.7也有一定可能出不了。。。。WG你们有空搞炮塔转动音效就没空调整个小金币火炮么。。。= =)

【Developer Q&A 】2013/6/6, 6/7 – 超潘不砍但是下架》上有1个想法

  1. WG智障啊……为了一块装甲至于这么麻烦么……话说国服不晓得什么情况?按WZ的尿性是退点卷还是……WG的尿性是砍金币车要么BUFF其他属性要么退款的样子
    ……如果超潘有个704马力发动机180穿火控好点说不定还能玩- –

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