【WOWS Q&A】2016/05/30


Thanks to Babykim, Carnotzet.

Plans about new nations, trees and premium ships.

On Saturday, developer JamesWhite appeared on Wargaming FM, where he said among other things:

1. The development of the next tree (German battleships ?) is nearing completion. The modeling of a second tree (British cruisers ?) has been finished and the models are being tuned. The modeling of a third tree has begun. The release of the third tree is planned for December, but may be postponed by 1-2 months.
1. 下一条新线(德国BB?)的开发已经接近尾声了。之后的那一条线的建模(英国巡洋舰?)也完事了,现在还在做最终调整。第三条线的建模也已经开始了。第三条线计划在今年年末上线,但是有可能会被推迟1~2个月。

2. The next nation represented in the game will be very unexpected, but definitely not the Italians, on which no work except collecting preliminary material has been done.
2. 游戏中出的下一个国家会十分出人意料,但是肯定不是意大利,意大利现在除了收集了资料以外就没再干过别的了。

3. A premium German battleship of tier 4 is ready. How and when it will be made available is yet unclear.
3. 一艘4级的德国金币船已经准备好了。至于这船以什么方式在什么时候出现都还是未知数

4. The premium battleship USS Arizona will appear soon.
4. 金币的USS亚利桑那很快就会出现。

5. The cruiser IJN Katori will be distributed in partner bundles (Italeri).
5. 日本巡洋舰香取会通过合作伙伴的联动包分发出去(伊达雷利的模型)

6. There will be a German premium ship of tier 6.
6. 会有一艘6级的德国金币船

7. There will be a French or an Italian premium ship this year.
7. 今年会有一艘法国或者是意大利的金币船

8. The cruiser IJN Tone will probably not appear this year, and the game mechanics of its plane squadron are not decided.
8. 日本的利根今年年内大概是看不见了,关于她那个飞机中队的游戏机制也没定下来

9. The cruiser USS Salt Lake City (a Pensacola with torpedoes) has not been planned, the ship is not ready.
9. 没计划要出USS盐湖城(带鱼雷的彭萨科拉),还没准备好做这艘船。

10. The destroyer USS Sims (open beta tier 7 ship) will be back on sales.
10. 美国的西姆斯(OBT的7级船)会上架开卖的

11. The will be no unique Japanese premium battleships or cruisers of tier 5-7 this year, but sister ships may appear.
11. 今年年内不会有独特的5~7级的金币BB或者金币巡洋舰,但是有可能会出现姐妹舰

12. The Russian cruiser Red Krimea will be distributed via a new Project R, which is planned for the second half of June.
12. 苏联的那艘赤色克里米亚会通过一个新的R计划活动来分发,活动会在6月下旬开始

Nothing really exclusive but the new ranked season will start in the beginning of June on the Russian servers. They will post a specific news about it.