【WOWS Q&A】2016/04/12


Thanks to Carnotzet.

1. What concealment bonuses apply to the detection penalty when firing?
1. 在开火时受到的隐蔽惩罚会受到什么隐蔽加成的抵消?

A. None. The penalty is an extra value that isn’t modified by anything.

[Sub_Octavian will ask a developer about this tomorrow since some players have pointed out that Concealment expert does in fact reduce the detection penalty. Personally, I’ve read several times that it’s affected by CE.]

2. Could you share what plans do you have for fixing high-tier IJN DD’s?
2. 请说下你们要怎么改高级日本DD?

Why can’t we see the distance between our ship and catapult/spotter planes?

A. I can’t say yet, but you’ll soon be able to see it yourself during 0.5.5. public testing.

It should be added in 0.5.6. if everything turns out as planned.

3. A lot of players at mid/high tiers seem not to know how to play at all. Wouldn’t you consider raising the number of xp needed to unlock ships up to tier 5-6? And decrease the xp needed for ships above thos tiers?
3. 有许多中高级的玩家好像根本不知道怎么玩的样子。你们要不要考虑提高5~6级船之前所需的经验,但是降低这几级之后的船所需要的经验?

Would you also consider selling premium ships only to players whose account level is equal to that of the ship they want to buy (for instance, to buy a Tirpitz, you’d need to have a lvl 8 account)?

A. For most people, tier 5-6 ships are what they prefer and with which they have the most fun. We don’t plan to fundamentally change the progression system.

We don’t plan to restrict all of the premium ships. We will only limit ships that require quite a lot of skill.

4. Do you plan to change Warspite’s characteristics? Are you happy with her statistics?
4. 你们有计划要改动厌战的属性吗?你们对她的数据满意吗?

A. We don’t plan to change her since we’re happy with her stats for now.

5. Would it be possible to nerf premium ships by reversing some gameplay decisions? (For instance, considerably nerfing long range AA which would lead to certain ships having their strengths turn into weaknesses.)
5. 有没有可能会通过改动游戏性上的决策来削弱金币船?(比如说削弱长距离上的AA,就导致部分船只的长处变成了短处)

A. We want to avoid nerfing premium ships, and we will avoid doing it whenever it’s possible.

6. Can we expect Tirpitz’s AA defense to be changed in the near future?
6. 提尔皮兹的AA近期会改动吗?

A. Not in the near future.

7. It’s good that the game modes that required to win by points were changed so that there’s no more draws. Are you happy with the range of modes available? What mode do players like the most (two caps or multiples zones)?
7. 我很高兴看到那个需要通过点数才能胜利的模式被改动了,这样就不会有太多平局出现了。你们对于现在游戏中的游戏模式的数量感到满意吗?玩家满最喜欢的又是什么(两个基地还是多个据点占领)?

A. We’re happy with Domination mode; regarding our other new experiments, it’s a little more complicated. We would really like to make the game more diverse by adding new game modes. We’re continuing our work in this matter.

8. Arkansas has more upgrade slots than its tier 4 counterparts. Is it intended or is this an experiment of some sort?
8. 阿肯色比其他4级船有更多的插件槽。这个是故意的呢,还是某种实验?

A. It’s a special feature of this ship to make her more appealing and to offset her weaknesses. We don’t plan to add the same feature on other ships.

9. Are you happy with the current economy system? Compared to WoT, it seems that high tiers are more punishing in terms of credit loss.
9. 你们对于当前的经济系统满意吗?和WOT相比,高级战斗好像亏的钱更多。

A. More or less. The situation is very similar to WoT. We have some doubts about the more punishing economy at high tiers, that is exactly why we decided to experiment with reduced repair costs.

10. What is WG position on players who constantly whine on the forum, with or without any reason? (Paranoia mode on) Don’t you have the feeling there are some people who seem to get paid in silvers just to whine on the forums? (Paranoia off)
10. WG对于那些老是在论坛上不管有没有理由都在喷的玩家的态度是怎么样的?(妄想模式ON)你们不觉得有的人像是拿了钱一样在论坛上喷吗?

A. There are those you speak of and other players with a mostly negative mindset. We will furtively track the first group (there isn’t many of them) and try to make the second happy.

11. What do you think about the current signal system? Don’t you think that the bonus they give isn’t on par with most of their requirements?
11. 你们对于当前的这套信号旗系统感觉怎么样?你们有没有觉得它们带来的奖励和获取它们所需要的条件不成正比啊?

A. Everything is fine regarding signals.

12. My question is about premium ships and captain skills. One of the functions of premium ships is to (re)train captains for standard ships. All would be well if premium and standard ships would have similar stats and gameplay so that they could use the same captain. However, it isn’t always so. For instance, low tier ships such as Iwaki aren’t performing that well with captains from high tier ships such as Zao or Atago. Albany and Marblehead don’t get much from Des Moines’ captains who are specialized in AA. And there are plenty other examples. What do you think about this issue?
12. 我的问题是关于金币船和舰长技能的。金币船的一个功能就是来(重)训练银币船的舰长用的。所以说如果金币船和银币船的属性和游戏性都差不多就好了,这样大家就能共用舰长了——但事实并不一直是这样。举个栗子吧,像岩木这样的船上如果用了像藏王或者是爱宕上调过来的舰长就发挥的不是很好。奥尔巴尼和马布尔黑德从得梅因的AA专精的舰长身上也吃不到什么甜头。像这样的例子还有很多。你们是怎么看这个问题的?

A. We plan to expand the choice of premium ships so that players can chose the captain most appropriate for their role. Generally speaking, we don’t consider this an issue.

13. Do you plan to add premium ships with interesting gameplay / features, such as Kitakami? Nearly a year has passed since release. What’s up with putting back on sale Yubari, Sims and the big bad OP Gremlin?
13. 你们有计划加入那些很有特色或者是游戏性很有趣的金币船吗,比如北上之类的?你看这个游戏都正式上线一年了,夕张啊,西姆斯啊,还有那艘OP的轰鸣啥时候再拿出来卖啊?

A. I can’t share any information regarding our future ship sales. However, I can tell you that two or three new ships will soon be released.

14. Do you plan to add a new means of spending elite ship xp, such as having the option of gaining captain xp instead of ship xp?
14. 你们会不会加入其他的可以用来消耗掉那些完全体的船身上的经验的手段,比如说可以把船所获取的经验转化成舰长经验这样的?

A. We don’t plan to add any new means for converting xp. There’s nothing you can do with it except converting it to free xp (using doubloons).


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