【WOWS Q&A】2016/04/01


This Q&A is no joke. From Carnotzet and Takru.

1. Will you add a feature allowing us to see how many AA mounts we have left at any given time ? It would be also useful for CV’s to know how many AA guns remain on a ship.
1. 你们能不能加入一个可以随时查看自己还剩下多少防空炮的这么个机制?还有就是如果航母能够看到任意一艘船上的防空炮数量的话那是再好不过了。

A. As a result from the feedback and suggestions we received, we will implement this feature, but you’ll be able to see what’s left on your ship only.

2. Could you share any info regarding the mixed battles (ships + tanks) expected to take place on the global map ?
2. 能不能稍微透露点关于世界地图(领土战)上即将出现的混合战斗(坦克+战舰)的情报?

A. Unfortunately, I can’t share anything on this subject. Global battles developers wouldn’t appreciate.

3. How long will team battles last in their current form ? Are you happy with how they turned out ?
3. 当前的组队战的这种模式还要持续多久?你们对于现在组队战的结果满意吗?

A. We’re happy with the results. We don’t know how long they will last for now. We plan to improve the system (we know exactly what we need to change) but it won’t be in the near future. At the moment, we need to solve far more important problems.

4. On the forums, there a lot of players whining about torpedoes at tier 4. Could you please provide statistics about what type of damage do BB’s take (and at what percentage) ?
4. 论坛上许多玩家在抱怨4级的鱼雷。能够提供一下关于BB们所受到的伤害种类(以及所占伤害总量的百分比)的数据吗?

A. In the last three days, damage received by BB’s is as follows: 18.5% from ship launched torpedoes (14.2% from air dropped torps, and 5.1% from flooding), 14.8% from fire, 26.7% from AP shells and 18.2% from HE shells. The rest is minimal (secondary guns, ramming).

5. How does Target Acquisition System Mod 1 work with Hydroaccoustic sonar ?
5. 目标捕获系统修改型1和水听到底是怎么加算的?

A. The module doesn’t affect the sonar at all. However, Vigilance works with the sonar and increases the torpedo detection range. So, for example, if the sonar increase torp detection range to 3.42km, with Vigilance, it would be increased to 4.27km.

6. Why don’t you bring the old smoke screen visuals back ? Now it looks like a “haze” when you’re sailing in a smoke screen and it’s very hard to tell when I’m in it and when I’m out. I know there’s a mod that shows smoke screen limits but I don’t want to install any mod; I find the game very good without mods.
6. 你们为什么不把原来那个烟雾的效果加回来?现在开进烟雾中的话,烟雾看着像”雾霾“,而且很难分辨我到底是在烟雾里面还是在烟雾外面。我知道有Mod可以显示烟雾弹的作用范围,但是我不想用任何mod;我觉得这游戏裸奔玩就挺不错的。

A. We changed it because it was very bad technically and visually speaking. The problem you talk about (and rightly so) makes our current version of the smoke inadequate. A solution to this is on the way, stay tuned.

7. We’re still waiting for voice-acting specific to each nation. When will it be added ?
7. 我们还在等国别语音呢,啥时候出啊?

A. We’re making good progress on it. We will soon release an official mod with full voice-acting for every nation (except Poland). After that, we will work on implementing it directly in the client.

8. Why can we only buy 6 ships in game?
8. 为什么游戏中只能买到6艘金币船?

A. Because we don’t want all ships to be purchasable all the time, we want some limited offers. The selection will be expanded in the future and there will be a more interesting selection of ships for those who have bought all the ships.

9. Why certain ships are taken out from the in game shop? What can we spend our doubloons on?
9. 为什么部分船只从游戏内的商店移除了?那我拿金币买什么去?

A. During this year, we plan to sell ships in the in game shop as well. Follow the news.

10. Why are balance changes so drastic? Why aren’t you more light handed?
10. 为什么平衡改动总是这么大刀阔斧?下手轻点不行吗?

A. I agree we made some drastic balance changes, it was our decision and we took responsibility. However, we also understood why players were so upset and took into account the disadvantages of such a method. Now, we try to act more precisely.

11. Where do the players go after their favourite ships has been nerfed?
11. 玩家们在他们最喜欢的船被砍了以后一般会去干嘛?

A. This is classified information, but, in general, they continue to play with their ship or find another one that suits them. The flow of players was, for the most part, tied to technical problems and updates of insufficient quality.

12. Where did you get the idea that players need to be organised in random? Isn’t it more likely they will sooner quit the game than be organised?
12. 你们到底是怎么得出的这个玩家需要在随机战斗中听指挥的这个想法的?一般情况不是他们直接就退了谁还管你吗?

A. They don’t really to be organised, it’s enough if they go more or less in the same direction their team mates are going. Which happens frequently. And it’s not only to boost the group’s AA defense but it also increased the chance of winning.

13. Will there be team battle with fewer ships in the future (3v3, 4v4, 5v5) ? It would increase the number of teams since currently a lot of players refuse to take part in team battles because they don’t have enough friends.
13. 未来的组队战会不会有所需要的船只变少的模式(3v3 4v4 5v5)这样?这样应该可以提高组队战玩家数量,现在很多玩家拒绝去玩组队站的原因是朋友不够多

A. In theory, yes.

14. Can we expect tournaments ?
14. 会有大奖赛模式吗?

A. Yes.

15. Can we expect replays to be built into the game client ?
15. 有生之年能看到客户端内置录像功能吗?

A. Yes.

16. In the ladder part of the site, could you add a button to search for specific teams?
16. 在官网下半部分你们能不能加入一个可以寻找特定队伍的按钮啊?

A. Yes.

17. Could you allow players to copy the name of players in the game (to paste them then in a browser) or to directly see players’ profile in game?
17. 可不可以允许玩家在游戏中复制其他玩家的名字(然后可以粘贴到浏览器里面),或者是直接在游戏里就能看到其他玩家的个人档案?

A. Yes, we plan to allow players to see profiles in game.

[Regarding the last five questions] In brief, we will improve the game for progammers but, first, we want to prioritize the features that are also requested by ordinary players since they make up for the bulk of our playerbase. If they’re not satisfied, it’s useless to talk about the professional aspect of the game.

According to this post, repair costs [only repair costs, not maintenance costs] will be reduced by 20% during the whole month of April. For now, this only concerns the Russian cluster.

From the NA forums:

2Tohoseiryu: yes, I can see premium IJN CV in the development pipeline. But it will take time, can’t confirm it for nearest future. Also, depending on Saipan’s feedback it may be re-prioritized.

2Mr_Alex: in 2016 there will be more famous american warships released following Saipan. We are working on a promotional campaign around them, so I don’t want to spoil it too soon.

【WOWS Q&A】2016/04/01》上有4个想法


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