【Developer Q&A】2015/09/21


– Storm confirms that HD environmental models do not have proper size (“bus is too big”), it will be reworked during HD map overhaul

– Centurion Action X turret roof effective armor is 200+ mm according to Storm
Storm说百夫长 Action X炮塔顶上的等效厚度有200mm+

– Centurion Action X sucks? “We made it the way it really was.”
百夫长Action X烂透了?“我们把它做得尽可能贴近真实了”

– the frontal turret of Action X is pretty thick but Storm doesn’t recommend using it to bounce shots like you can use the Soviet turrets
百夫长 Action X的正面炮塔的确是很厚,但是Storm并不推荐用它像苏联炮塔那样去跳弹

– the sloped area above the mantlet is the weakspot of Action X (149 – 197mm EFF)
炮盾顶上的那一块倾斜区域是Action X的弱点(等效只有149~197mm)

– Storm confirms: armor is the only parameter that will not be touched in favour of balance

– Vickers MBT would be two times more fragile than Action X Centurion
维克斯MBT比百夫长Action X脆两倍

– it’s theoretically possible to give Action X two guns but the vehicle is practically ready, balanced and prepared for release
理论上是可以给Action X两杆炮的,但是Action X已经快弄好了,也平衡好了,而且马上就要上线了

– having no fume extractor on HD T34 is historical according to Storm, the model is based on this photo


【Developer Q&A】2015/09/21》上有2个想法


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