Yuri Pasholok的文摘


Hello warriors,

Yuri Pasholok, Wargaming’s history consultant answers some of the interesting questions tied to real life tanks. Here’s a chance to learn about history with World of Tanks.
Yuri Pasholok,WG的历史学家回答了一些关于现实生活中的坦克的问题。如下:

Yuri Pasholok, thank me later ladies!
Yuri Pasholok本人,要prpr或者hshs都请自便!

– Object 142 is an unsuccessful prototype, a mix between Object 140 and T-54B


– This is the upcoming tier 10, “Type 2605”

– From historical point of view its sketchy drawing appeared in some engine cooling document. The Japanese themselves have very little info about the Japanese heavy tanks. The only real drawings exist for the Mi-To.

– The fact that Leopard 1 in WoT has higher stealth factor than in real life is most likely balance-based

– The newest tank in the game is AMX 30B or STB-1 (Yuri Pasholok is not sure which AMX 30B exactly is in the game)
游戏中年代最新的坦克是AMX 30B或者是STB-1(Yuri Pasholok不确定游戏中的是哪个AMX 30B)

– Some German branch suspension module names are possibly not historical and were made up for game reasons

– There is a project of artillery Panther with roughly the same gun as the Brummbär had in the turret (some form of sIG 33)
曾经是有过一个火炮豹子的计划,主炮用的是和灰熊式突击炮差不多的主炮,而且是把炮装在炮塔里的(应该是sIG 33的某个版本)
sIG33:schweres Infanterie Geschütz,德国在二战时候的步兵支援火炮,口径150mm

– Ingame Panther has enough guns as it is, there is probably no need to introduce the autoloaded 75mm KwK 44/2
游戏内的豹式的主炮已经够用了,估计没有要加入75mm KWK 44/2弹夹炮这个炮的必要

– The T26E4 Super Pershing name in the game is historical – at first the vehicle was called T26E1-1 and later it was renamed to E4

– Batchat 155 55 has American chassis but it was developed by the Batignolles Chatillon company and therefore it bears the company name
查涤纶155 55用的是美国底盘,但是是由Batignolles Chatillon公司开发的,所以名字中就带着了公司的名字

– There are no photos of M47-based BatChat artillery freely available, the vehicle is based on historical text description

– It’s theoretically possible to introduce Somua SM but Yuri Pasholok states the research should be finished for proper result
理论上是可以做Somua SM的,但是Yuri Pasholok表示说应该进一步进行研究,以获得更好的结果

– T-62B with 122mm D-83 in the game? “That is a question for balance department”¨
游戏中会不会有用122mm D-83炮的T-62B?“这个是平衡部门的问题”

– The “Model 1946” T-54 in the game (stock T-54) doesn’t really correspond to the real “Model 1946” as per Russian sources. That’s because it was apparently wrongly named but in principle it’s not such a big problem as the “model” (obrazec) convention doesn’t really have to refer to one specific vehicle and can refer to “any” T-54 from 1946.

– There apparently was a project to build a T-54 with the 122mm M-62 gun
曾经有过要拿122mm M-62炮来造一个T-54的计划

– “Shashmurin’s IS-2M” is incorrectly named, it was an IS-2 modernization project with rear turret upgrade while the IS-2M is the IS-2 modernization program from the fifties

– It’s possible to introduce ST-II (twin barrel ST-I) if the game ever supports multi-gun mechanism

– The Sturmtiger with 88mm gun is most likely a fake

– IS tank program appeared as an alternative to the KV-220 (T-220)

Yuri Pasholok的文摘》上有3个想法


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