

Straight from the Insider and the supertest client.

Japanese Tiger I (doesn’t have limited MM, a Japanese heavy tank premium)

“In 1943, the Japanese ambassador to Germany attended the Tiger field trials in Henschel. After that, the company was ordered to transfer all tank documentation to Japan. One disassembled vehicle was sent to Bordeaux on 14 October 1943 to be delivered to Japan by submarine. However, the eastern ally of the Wehrmacht was never able to establish its own production of Tigers. The vehicle was never delivered and this adventure cost 645,000 Reichsmarks to Japan, while the original cost was 300,000 Reichsmarks.”

Kanonenjagdpanzer (replacement of the Jagdtiger 88 in stores it seems, unlimited MM)

“The first Kanonenjagdpanzer prototypes were produced in 1960 by the Hanomag-Henschel company for Germany. The production continued until 1967. A total of 770 vehicles for Bundeswehr and 80 for the Belgian Armed Forces were built. However, since 1983, this model was deemed outdated. Some of these tank destroyers were converted into artillery observation vehicles, some others were refitted into anti-tank guided missile carriers. However, some Kanonenjagdpanzer, also known as the Jagdpanzer Kanone 90mm, remained in service until 1990.”

VK 45.02 (P) Ausf.B7 (mini-Maus on tier 7)
VK 45.02(P)B7型(7级的小鼠式)

“Variants with forward-mounted turret and rear-mounted turret were designed by Ferdinand Porsche. The tank never saw mass production.”

Cromwell “Berlin”

“The Cromwell was developed in 1941–1942 by BRC&W. A total of 1070 vehicles were mass-produced from late 1943 through 1945. They were extensively used by the British army in the Northwest Europe Campaign of 1944–1945.”


“In 1934–1935 the design bureau in Kharkiv Locomotive Factory developed the artillery modification of the BT-7. The new elliptical turret was equipped with the 76.2-mm CT-28 gun. In addition, some vehicles received new radio stations. A total of 155 artillery BT-7s were manufactured. The vehicles saw combat on the Karelian Isthmus, in Manchuria, and during the first period of the Great Patriotic War.”
“在1934~1935年间,哈尔科夫机车厂的设计局设计了一个BT-7的喷子炮版。这个新的椭圆炮塔里面装的是76.2mm CT-28炮。除此之外,部分坦克还拿到了新的电台组。一共生产了155这样的喷子BT-7,这些坦克在卡累利阿地区,满洲,还有在第一次卫国战争中都有被目击到在战斗的报告。”

IS-3 with Autoloader

“In 1956–1957, the Military Armored Forces Academy developed a thesis project of loading system on the IS-3 and T-10 heavy tanks. The IS-3 variant provided double-row ammo rack with automatic loading system. The crew was reduced to three members: commander, gunner, and driver. The turret was redesigned in order to allow the arrangement of loading mechanism. The vehicle existed only in blueprints.”

Very oddly enough, the supertest files contain traces of two interesting vehicles:

Strv 103 A (marked as “HeavyTank_EU_TECH_Tier_X”)
Strv 103A(标记的是“HeavyTank_EU_TECH_Tier_X”(欧洲10级重坦)

IKV 91 with following description: “Designed and manufactured by Hägglund and Söner, the LKV 91 was originally designated as a light tank, and later into a tank destroyer by Sweden Armed Forces. The first prototypes of the LKV 91 were completed in 1969 with production running from 1975 until 1978 with a total of 212 vehicles produced.”
还有IKV91,描述如下:“由Hägglund和Söner设计和制造的LKV91,这辆车原本是设计成轻坦的,但是后来被瑞典装甲军弄成了TD。LKV 91的第一辆原型车在1969年被造好,然后从1975年~1978年进行了量产,总计生产了212辆坦克。”


  1. 越来越感觉毛子就是拿着几个坦克的数据各种组合成各种车。除了装甲激动火控视野这种属性指标随意改。其他都是一个样子。59那样的车就有一堆。100那样的也有一片。什么真真假假的坦克数据资料。只要游戏需要,马上给你变个新车出来。最近这新车出的太勤了。我就纳闷你把历史挖空了还挖什么?挖脑洞?反正凭空捏造的坦克也不知道有多少了,多捏一点也无所谓了。相比与出新车,我倒是觉得不如出新图实在,倒不如把游戏体验做好实在。盲目数量反而让我觉得这游戏已经在饮鸩止渴。无所谓了,游戏千千万,总有一款你爱他,他也爱你的游戏。


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