【Developer Q&A】2015/04/01


Brace Yourselves:

– The rumor that IS-6 will be removed from sales and IS-5 will replace it is false, IS-5 will not be a regular sold premium tank;

– Some vehicles (like T28 Proto and T29) have on SD models tracks hanging on their armor. The tracks will on HD models always be represented by thicker armor zones, but it is not sure whether  – when these vehicles are reworked to HD – the tracks will still be there in the future;

– A micropatch was applied recently to the 9.7 common test and now everything runs smoothly, there are no more FPS drops. The FPS is on average more stable as well. This is the feature of the new BigWorld engine version;

– There is no way how to create a WoT client that would be complete mod-proof (not allowing any mods) (RG: The community just really wants the turds that use mods like Warpack to be banned);

– Storm confirms the delay in the 9.7 patch at least to April 7th, the reason is the fixing of crashes and freezes, without fixing that issue, the patch will not be released (RG: completely agree with the decision)

– E50M will not get frontal gun depression buff because the gun would then clip through the hull;

– In most cases, server reticle corresponds to the usual reticle status;

– The option to sell premium tanks for gold will not be implemented;

– It’s completely possible that 9.7 client will not be compatible with 9.6 mods: “use mods at your own peril”;

– Japanese heavy tanks’ info is based on multiple sources (for example Soviet-captured Japanese reports);

– New sound engine (WWISE) will come this year;

– Historical battles will come in far future. The main issue is to create bots that will not overload the servers, which turned out to be very complicated  (Wargaming will do that nonetheless);

– This year, a new mode will come for solo players but no details yet;

– It’s possible the platoon missions from individual missions will be removed (“there are multiple variants”), developers do have statistics on how many people are “stuck” on platoon mission;

– Later on – “When will you remove platoon individual missions?” Storm: “When it’s done it’s done”;
后来—“那啥时候移除这些组队的任务啊?”Storm:“When it’s done it’s done”

– HT15 individual mission will be simplified for StuG IV and T28HTC;

– Many individual mission fixed will come in 9.8;

– The option to pick which individual mission you want to do during battle countdown (based on the battlefield situation) will not be implemented;

– For now, there are no plans to return the confrontation mode (aka “national battles”), it is not being worked on currently;

– Havok status: “we don’t want to make it slow and laggy and to make it well and with good performance will take a lot of time still” (RG: Agree, better take the time to make things right instead of rushing and end up with a barely playable game);

– The problem with Havok is that when you shoot buildings, the client can’t handle the amount of objects (fragments) that are required to make the destruction look good, this is for example valid for the Stalingrad map;

– Technically it’s possible to make Havok work like it does in War Thunder, but Wargaming wants to have a more complex solution;

– Dynamic gameplay is still WG priority “to some extent”;

– Maps are not being reworked with the alleged hidden TD nerf in mind (it’s just a conspiracy);

– The amount of new city maps is the echo of two years back when the players loudly demanded more city maps;

– The 9.7 “newbie protection” (separate MM for newbies) is simply based on total number of battles played of that player, nothing else;

– SU-26 is a bit underpowered, it will be buffed a bit in the future, but not by much;

– The situation with new maps is problematic – there are too many maps in the game already. New maps will be added but not very fast (RG: the problem is not the amount of maps, its how the map rotation works, is not normal when we get same map 3 consecutive times or more);

– “Autoloader” IS-3 will not have an autoloader (will just fire faster) and it also is not a premium tank, but an event one (the autoloader version was just a test and it was scrapped);

– SweetFX will not be implemented, it causes poor performance on an number of PC configurations;

– WG is using Umbra technology for 6 years already;
WG使用Umbra technology已经六年了

– There will not be a totally new spotting system, just the current one will be tweaked a bit gradually in upcoming patches;

– There are currently no plans for artillery;

– New British tanks Chieftain and Centurion Action X will not come anytime soon, the modelling has not even started yet because of the delay with obtaining the data from the museums;
酋长和百夫长Action X近期不会有,建模工作还没开始,原因是从博物馆那边一直拿不到数据

– Earlier, it was said in one of WG videos that the tank camouflage (detection range) will depend on how much of the tank is visible behind an obstacle – this was scrapped, as it turned out it would support camping too much;

– Storm’s personal opinion is that Wargaming’s April 1st jokes were not funny (later – Q: “Jokes sucked.” A: “Yes”);

– Q: “When will you give more XP to arty, it takes too long to get to tier 10” A: “So we have more arties as top vehicles? Not the best idea.”;

– Storm confirms: the current large RNG factor in the game is there “to make the opportunities equal”, such as the possiblity of a small tank to get lucky and penetrate a heavier opponent;

– It’s possible that patch 0.9.9 will not be followed by 1.0.0 but by 0.10.0;

– Its possible that ST-II (ST-I with twin 122mm guns) will appear in the game – but not soon;

– It’s possible to expect Japanese heavies this year;

– 9.8 will bring “something interesting” (HD IS-3 for example);

– Czechoslovak tanks with T40 as first premium? “I cannot say anything.”

– Dynamic effects such as tanks getting dirty or black from fire will not be implemented;

– Storm confirms that the first season of individual mission should last until the end of the year;

– Storm states that the motion physics test (that was based on old WoT version) did not show any major FPS increase compared to current releases;

– Currently, there are no plans to implement tier 8 Soviet premium vehicles (purchasable for money) with 200+ mm penetration (in other words, the 221 penetration 122mm gun tanks are all for events);

– It’s not yet currently decided whether the season 2 individual missions will mean that the season 1 will still be available (RG: I hope they stay available);

– Wargaming is satisfied with current ingame economic system;

– Storm does not consider the fact that Panzer IV Schmalturm is missing the side screens from the hitbox a scam. They will be added once the vehicle is reworked to HD;

– Storm confirms: in the future, in many cases vehicle guns will not use historical penetration anymore, penetration will become a balance parameter.

【Developer Q&A】2015/04/01》上有4个想法

  1. 难点从来不是15号任务,更不是组队任务。而是一些小任务。比如火炮炸3个。LT移动命中5个目标。HT装甲抵消大于自身血量的2倍,还要1500伤害。MT的着火比自己等级高的坦克。

    • 我呸,任务1的都做不完卡住了,还说后面的. 火炮炸3个有什么难的,又不是火炮炸死3个.美国金币弹溅射很大的.LT移动5个 更容易了.弹夹速射盟约者,4级车都能搞定,HT抵消2倍更随便了.1500 这任务KV1都能搞定. MT 那个着火自己等级高你更扯,你不会打油箱吧.拿T-34 57神针多快.


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