【Developer Q&A】2015/01/25


Interesting history about the Rudy tank. It was this tank that spawned the rumors on Russian forums about the Polish branch coming up soon (it’s not) and this being its first premium. From the POV of (former) EU tree development, I knew that this was not the case (first “European” premium will be something quite different). The way it will be implemented – I think it’ll get a special Polish crew “Fury style” (the names of the crewmen from the TV series), although it will technically still be Soviet.

译注:Rudy这辆坦克有可能会作为苏联的金币车出现在游戏中,而事实上这辆车在波兰的老一辈中非常出名—这是基于同名书籍改编的电视剧“Four tank-men and a dog”(四个坦克手和一条狗)[常译为四个坦克兵与狗]中主角们所驾驶的坦克。该剧在1966~1970年间于波兰TVP电视台播放,总计3季,共21集,主要讲述的是…战斗的故事(并非为喜剧)该剧直到1989年还在波兰每年播放一次……06年TVP推出了该节目的DVD。 

Oh yes, and according to Russian leakers, the tank will be the T-34/85 of the post-war Polish production (T-34/85M2 model IIRC).
译注:T-34/85M2……其实就是波兰自己生产的T-34/85M,与原版的T-34-/85M相比应该是把电台换成了R-123型 ,加了涉深水工具包和一根排气管(有错请指出)

– oddly enough, the E-100 inside of the gun barrel model (the rifling) is only like 20cm long, while IS-7 rifling model runs through the entire barrel. Storm states it’s just a little thing, so who cares.

– the size of the HD E-100 changed as such: it became 1cm longer, 1cm wider and 3cm taller

– the color of the HD E-100 is correct (same as of other HD German tanks), will not be changed

– differences in model sizes from original specs of 1 percent or less are considered acceptable

– E-100 mantlet in HD was remodelled to correspond the one in Panzer Tracts
高清的E-100炮盾是根据<Panzer Tracts>一书重新建模的 

– HD E-100 “bar” on the top of the turret (rangefinder optics) will be made lower (the same as it was)

– HD E-100 upper front plate angle is actually better than it should be (63 degrees compared to 60 degrees in reality), it will not be nerfed to historical specs

– E-100 will not get a (historical) Maus turret

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