【Developer Q&A 】2014/11/26


– (tied to another discussion, specifically about hull weapons and tanks aiming by turning) according to SerB, the hull 75mm howitzer of the Char B1 was useless, that’s why Germans removed these guns when they captured the vehicles
(与另一个关于车身武器,需要通过旋转车身才能瞄准的讨论有关)根据SerB的说法,Char B1的车身的75mm榴弹炮一点用都没有,这就是为什么德国人在缴获了这些坦克以后把它们拆掉了

– according to SerB, removing the render range limit would not cause more camping

– the Charioteer (upcoming tier 8 British TD) will have the 105mm L7 as top gun after all (for some reason, there is also a photo of Winston Churchill inside the Archer model)
御夫座(新的8级英国TD)的顶级炮最后还是105mm L7(出于某种原因,在射手驱逐战车的模型里面有一张温斯顿·丘吉尔的照片)

– developers are still putting together plans for 2015

– Storm states that increasing penetration RNG and reducing shell damage when hitting spots like hatches would only cause boring campfest

– Storm confirms that the IM requirements that were leaked (the outrageous ones, like 20k damage/blocked on Maus) will not be in the release version, the release version will be “based on what statistics tell us”


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