

Hello everyone,

while we are waiting for the 9.3 patch (not today), Russians already have it (be grateful, that also means the worst bugs that sometimes appear get to be fixed before the patch comes out). From the discussion:

– some mods again stopped working with 9.3, but other players reports their mods to be working

– the shots sound more muted when in sniper mode, Storm states this is intentional: “The price of realism” (later, he adds “try hitting a tank with a hammer with someone inside – he will barely hear it”, although he adds that he forgot the physics he learned, so there is no need to bash him on that if it’s not true)

– XP for “tanking” will definitely not come via a micropatch, Storm states that currently, they will fix the formula, then they will upload it to the server, they will collect statistics and only after that it will be applied – “when it’s done it’s done”
“抗伤害”的经验奖励不会用micropatch来实装,Storm表示现在他们会先修复公式,之后上传到服务器中,收集一些数据,之后才会实装—“when it’s done it’s done”

– Storm on new easy-to-obtain medals: “And I, as a noob, really like them”

– one of the T-54 turrets has its weight incorrectly displayed, this will be checked

– Storm states that there were various optimizations and fixes when it comes to graphics in 9.3, for some players, FPS grew

– developers implemented (unknown where) the difference between rolled and cast armor (SS: both armors have different properties when hit by shell, it’s actually quite complex), but decided not to implement it, as it would be incomprehensible for players.

– the separate HD texture pack was made because “it was easier to make”, it’s possible in the future it will be changed to be automatic via launcher (SS: oddly enough, WoWp has it via launcher I think), it was made “so it would be downloaded only by those, who need it”)

– apparently, there is a nasty replay bug in 9.3 where if you try to quit the replay prematurely, you will be punished for early leaving the battle (not sure whether “it counts”, but the window with a threat appears).

– no plans to implement skill MM in random battles

– some player reported the game crashing when quitting combat, Storm replied it’s probably a buggy mod fault

– the “players online” on server is available when pressing Escape

– Storm does not watch My Little Pony
Strom不看My Little Pony

– camouflage mechanism will be reworked (so tanks don’t disappear in the middle of a field anymore just so)

– Storm will talk to the sound makers, whether there will be more pronounced sound of “tank insides” when in sniper mode (loading, engine etc.)

– old LT8′s (AMX-13/90 and the Chinese one) will not be rebalanced in any special way in near future, more like “as usual”, based on their statistics.

– Storm does personally not like playing IS-8 apparently, there was a really nice conversation in the thread about how Veider sits next to him and always hears “bail out” from Storm’s speakers.

– Storm on HD textures: “Only enthusiasts need them. And they’ll get it.”

– apparently, some players in 9.3 had freezes during the beginning of the battle. This was fixed in 0.9.3

– two more patches will come until the end of the year. 9.4 it will definitely not contain Havok. Storm admits he’s not sure whether WG will succeed in releasing both, as the schedule is really tight

– Storm check and the “normal” 9.3 patch does NOT contain HD textures, they need to be downloaded separately

– Storm confirms some HE explosion effects were reworked when hitting the ground, allegedly the armor hits look better as well, but he is not sure

– there is a bug in 9.3 where the kill rings (marks) display on the tank even when the option is disabled. Storm states that fixing this has low priority.

– Storm really likes the new Murovanka

– Veider, when asked why the KV-85 122mm alpha was not nerfed: “Many vehicles have this gun. Should we nerf it for all?”


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