【Developer Q&A 】2014/09/19


A quick announcement – I had several events planned for this week, specifically a nice historical competition, the Hall of Shame mod, some streams and such. Unfortunately, everything got delayed by a week or two by the fact that my PC is undergoing repairs, so please, be patient (especially the mod seems to be a requested featured judging by mail).
先说下—我这周是有很多活动计划的,包括一个历史向的活动,耻辱柱的MOD,一些直播活动什么的。不幸的是,这些事都要向后推一两个礼拜左右了,因为我的电脑拿去修了。 所以请耐心的等。(尤其是这个MOD的事情,有很多关于这件事的邮件)

– the equipment is tied to a vehicle, not its modules. FV207 British artillery for example uses medium caliber rammer, while the vehicle tier higher uses large caliber rammer, even though it can use the same gun. That is due to the presence of the 7.2in howitzer on the latter vehicle

– Swedish tanks in the game? “If Swedish tanks were to be added to the game they would more likely be part of a European tree.”

– regarding WoT monetization: “The game model is such that you use your tier 6 and tier 5 to generate credits to fund your higher tiers. If you could play tier 10 without ever having to really worry about losing credits, why would anyone ever use the premium account option, purchase premium tanks, or play any other tier than tier 10 where they don’t have to worry about facing tanks of a higher tier?”

– T95E2 Medium Tank in WoT? “We can’t comment on future content because it’s always subject to change. The future of this tank hasn’t been confirmed, once we’re sure of what is happening with it, we’ll let players know at a time where we’re also able to answer any questions players have about it.”

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