Source: VK Wotleaks community
Hello everyone,
I am back with a couple more pictures of StuG IV. The vehicle description reads:
“Based on the proposal of Ministry of Arms, in February 1942, Krupp design bureau started testing the installation of reworked StuG III superstructure on the new chassis of Panzer IV Ausf.H and J. First vehicles were mass-produced in December 1943, by January 1944 Krupp completely switched to their production from the Panzer IV. In total, 1108 vehicles were built, 31 more were made by converting existing tanks.”
Comparing the vehicle with the elite StuG Ausf.G obviously makes no sense, since the elite StuG has the (unhistorical) 75mm L/70 (this gun did notfit the classic superstructure – an alternative project existed with the superstructure significantly reworked, but that was not the Ausf.G), so I will be instead comparing it to the “middle” version of StuG (second gun, everything else elited).
把这辆车和三突G的完全体拿来比较是毫无意义的,因为完全体的三突G型有(非史实的)75mm L/70炮(这杆炮塞不进原来的战斗室—有一个要把战斗室大幅度改造的备用计划,但是那个不叫三突G),所以我就把三突G的“中等”版拿来比较(第二杆炮,剩下的都是顶级的)
The numbers are for 100 percent crew, the second number in brackets belongs to StuG Ausf.G (numbers are for 100 percent crew).
等级: 5级金币车
血量: 360 (350)
重量: 25,9 吨(20,2)
发动机出力: 300 hp (440)
推重比: 11,58 hp/t (21,78)
极速: 38/10 km/h (40/10)
地形阻力: 0,863/1,055/1,822 (1,055/1,342/2,205)
车身转速: 40 deg/s (44)
视野: 310 (310)
电台范围: 646,6 (432,8)
装甲: 80/30/? (80/30/30) (四突的优势在于有侧裙甲)
主炮: 75mm (StuK 40?) (75mm PaK 39 L/48)
均穿: 106 (110)
均伤: 110 (110)
DPM: 1720,7 (1764,8 – 顶级炮的DPM则是1877,1)
装填时间: 3,836s (3,76s)
射速: 15,643 (16,044)
百米散布: 0,345 (0,355)
瞄准时间: 1,53s (1,63s)
俯角: -6 (-10)
主炮射界: 20°(30°)
As you can see, StuG IV is – apart from armor – clearly inferior. Its mobility will almost certainly be worse (despite better terrain resistance) and its gun is generally inferior as well. While both vehicles will likely have good camo factor, notice that the StuG IV gun has a muzzle brake (unlike StuG III top gun), which means it will generally demask the vehicle more after it fires than the top gun of the StuG III. Gun traverse is also not very good, but sufficient.