T-34-3 and 112 now available on 8.8 test server

Hello everyone,

as many of you (judging from the queues) probably noticed, both the 112 and the T-34-3 are available on the test server now. The developers used a strange way to add them: since they weren’t added to the test shop, they added them as special mission reward:
想必你们之中很多人已经注意到了(通过战斗中车辆列表判断),测试服上的 112 和 T-34-3 都开放可用了。开发小组用了个另类的方式将他们加入游戏:这两辆车并没有加入到游戏商城中,而是放到了特殊任务奖励中:


As you can see, all you have to do to get them is to play one battle. Simple enough. And how do they perform?





I tested the T-34-3 a bit and honestly, I don’t like it. It’s not very fast (sluggish), but the problem is its frontal armor and the gun. First, the frontal armor is thinner than the one of the Type 59. On the test server, where everyone fires gold ammo, it was penetrated all the time: with one noticable exception. The tank cannot penetrate itself properly. That brings me to the main problem of the tank: the gun. It’s a 122mm D-25 clone, so you can expect slow reload, but massive firepower. That’s all good, but the gold shells are terrible: I slugged it out with two (!) 112 tanks, equipped with the same gun. On paper, the gun should punch thru angled armor like butter, yet none the 122mm HEAT shells penetrated. And I am talking like 6 gold 250mm pen shells in a row. The 112 has the same problem, the shells penetrate reasonably when you aim at target flanks, but frontal slope? Nope.
And of course, there is the terrible depression. This tank will make you cry. If you move around on hilly terrain, the gun will aim all over the place, even a small bump will make you not being able to aim at a guy standing next to you. Stuff like that can make you lose duels. The other stats of the tank are average and without the depression buff, this vehicle will be frustrating and lackluster to play. It is not, and I really mean NOT a Type 59 equivalent.

我小测了下 T-34-3,说心里话,我不喜欢它。它跑的不快(有一种迟缓的感觉),但真正坑的是它的炮和正面装甲。首先,他的正面比59式薄。在测试服,大家都用金币弹,能轻易的互相击穿,装甲劣势并不明显,平时可要留意下这个缺点。它自己打自己不能保证稳穿。这我让觉得这辆坦克最坑的还是主炮,它的炮是 D-25T 的移植版,你可以想象下他装填慢,但是火力猛。这都还好,但是它的金币弹太糟糕了:我用它和两个(!) 112 一决雌雄。理论上这门炮打穿倾斜装甲就像纸一样容易,但实际上一发 122mm HEAT弹都没击穿。我说话就像6连发 250mm 穿金币弹一样。122 的炮也有着一样的问题,这门炮能轻易击穿目标侧后,但是正面倾斜装甲?别做梦了。
当然坑爹的还有俯角。有时候真是欲哭无泪。当你开到起伏不平的地形上时,炮口指向总是高于地面,甚至一个小小的隆起,就能让你瞄不到站在身旁的家伙。要是总遇到这种情况会让你输掉战斗。还有个统计说,性能一般又没有俯角优势的坦克,会让玩家觉得备受折磨而且玩起来没啥意思。这辆坦克不是指,真的不是指 59式





Now we’re talking. 112 is a great vehicle, if you are into slow moving tanks, that soak up punishment, yet hurt like hell. The firepower of the main gun is brutal on the heavy tank and the frontal armor can resist even gold 122mm shells (see above, it “eats” them). As far as heavies go, I liked the vehicle a lot. The only serious drawback it has is that it’s slowwwwwwwwww… (well, slower than usual anyway). You have to be careful where you want to go, because you will not be able to respont to threads quickly. If I was into heavies and into Chinese, I’d consider it.
现在我们说说 112 。如果你能忍受他移动缓慢的缺点,就辆好车,否则就是地狱。它主炮的火力对重坦也十分凶狠,而且正面装甲甚至能防122mm金币弹(看上边,装甲把所有炮弹全吸收了)。就我玩过的重型来说,我很喜欢这辆车。唯一突出的缺点是他太太太太…慢了(呃,至少比一般的重型慢)。你选择路线时一定要慎重,因为出现啥情况时,你不能很快补救。如果我要走重坦或者中国线,我会考虑买它


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