【Developer Q&A 】2013/7/10

来源: [http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/07/10/10-7-2013/]


First and foremost, I appreciate all the donations so far, thanks guys. I think it’s best not to publish any particulars, but you know who you are and I am grateful to all of you.

As you all probably know, tomorrow the second round of 8.7 test starts, with following changes:
你可能已经知道了,明天开始0.8.7的二测, 大致更新内容如下:

– Fixed the T-50-2 tank conversion error. Now the equipment from T-50-2 transferred to the depot and the remaining modules (turret, suspension) are sold by a purchasing price.
修复T-50-2的转换错误,现在502的配件类(3个可选配件)直接返回车库, 而零件(炮塔,底盘等)直接变卖

– Fixed some errors and mistakes on the “Belogorsk-19” and “Highway” maps.
修复2个地图的错误: “Belogorsk-19” 和 “Highway”

– Changed the icon in the Battle Score Panel for the Bishop SPG

– Changed the price for the E-25 Premium TD. Now it costs 6700 gold.
更改元首金币TD E-25的售价, 将改为6700金币

– Switched off the Assault mode on the Westfield and Malinovka maps.

– Corrected errors in the ‘Sniper’ and ‘Lucky’ achievements receiving description.

– Fixed collision-models of some buildings and object.

– Reworked voiceovers. Some of the game actions received new voiceover texts. Now the sounding of the events will become more vivid. Also reworked the “radio effect”.
重新制作了组员的语音。某些组员有了新的台词。 现在的声音事件会更加生动,并且重新制作了“无线电效果”

Regular Q&A:

– for now, there are no plans to introduce wheel-cum-track mechanism itself

– there actually was a Soviet artillery vehicle with autoloader, it was a competitor to the Msta design, but it won’t be implemented to the game (SS: too new I believe)

– the historical documents about the MT-25 mentioned a mysterious 47mm gun. There is no such gun on the ingame MT-25, as SerB thinks it’d definitely a typo, the drawings
clearly show (specify) a 45mm gun, Soviets didn’t have ny native 47mm guns and trophy 47mm guns were not available in sufficient amounts

– the problem with the wheeled vehicles in WoT was the turning mechanism. Developers were working on one Havok option apparently (“pushing” static objects – namely trucks) and “accidentally” made a mechanism allowing the implementation of wheeled vehicles

– Q: “Mines, encounter – the upper spawn is closer to the target base!” A: “How terrible…”
问:地图 -湖边的角逐,抢旗战-上面那一边离旗点太近了啦!差评!答: “How terrible…”

– no plans to introduce consumables, that would increase crew gained XP (2x, 3x), but the developers are thinking of another, yet undisclosed, option

– Havok will bring more features to the game than previously announced (SS: which was turrets getting ripped by explosions, parts of tanks flying off, realistic detracks, destructable objects and houses), SerB will even demonstrate, but later


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