【WOWS Q&A】2016/07/22


Thanks to Carnotzet.

1. This must be a joke. In 10 months, I managed to gain 1 million commander’s xp and here you’re asking me to gain 2.5 millions. You’re kidding me right ?
1. 这太扯淡了。我在十个月中已经打了1M的指挥官经验了,而你们却想要我去打2.5M的经验。你们是在搞笑对吧?


A. It is not a joke, it is a tough economy. We are not pleased with it as well. That is why in patch 0.5.9 (that is currently undergoing public testing), we have set a limit to the experience needed for commanders retraining without paying or for credits. In the current test configuration, the limit is set at 100k and 50k, respectively.

2. I received 10 camouflages type 6 as reward for my progress in ranked battles. I was quite happy to equip them. However, after a certain time, it got worse. By activating auto resupply, it got through the 10 “free” camouflages and then started to buy them for doubloons. It is rather easy to miss the moment when one’s stock is depleted. Would it be possible to give me back my 100 doubloons ?
2. 我爬天梯指挥拿到了10个迷彩的奖励。然后就开开心心的装上了。然而过了一段时间以后情况变糟糕了。我启用了自动补给,很快这10个“免费的”迷彩就被我消耗光了,然后系统就开始拿金币去买迷彩了。而且玩家也很容易把自己的库存用光而毫不知情。能把我那100金币还给我吗?

A. I am afraid I cannot give them back since you already purchased the product.

However, there are good news coming : in patch 0.5.9, we have split the button for auto-resupply and auto-purchase. That way, we will avoid situations where players lose doubloons or credits inadvertently.

Bonus from 0.5.9 bulletin thread.

  • Warspite should sit slightly lower in the water in patch 0.5.9


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