【Developer Q&A 】2014/08/27


– new LT’s in 9.3 will definitely not be delayed

– retraining of crew roles (SS: as in, radioman to driver for example) will be implemented

– current stage of the Stronghold mode is only the beginning, there will be many new things

– spotting range minimap circle, render range minimap designator and spots where the enemy was seen last time on minimap will not be implemented

– 9.3 will bring new comfortable garage interface

– T57 Heavy will be nerfed a bit

– apparently, if a bot plays better than a player would, Storm does not see the issue in having such a bot in battle

– the reason why HD JT will not come with HD JT88 is that there is a lot of work to do on the HD model even when “just a gun” is changed, such as testing and modelling

– hatches will not be changed to spaced armor (as some player proposes)

– on RU server, the whine about “too many corridor maps” started after a certain popular videomaker (Murazor) started whining about it (SS: I wonder if this happened the same way on EU…)

– there are no plans for a cooperation on UI elements with modmakers

– why there will be no alternative turrets on tier 10 tanks: “We make it on one, we have to make it on other tanks as well. And there are no alternative turrets for every tier 10 tank. Plus, the concept of tier 10 tanks is that they are closer to historical originals than others.”

Cannoneer (WG vehicle historian/developer), talking about 112 and 113 armor (related to claims that the armor is incorrect):

“At first, we made it analogically to WZ-111, which was made analogically to IS-3. After that, we recieved an info from the Chinase that it was made differently and so we fixed the collision model, but the fix was delayed to “when it’s done”. And now, apparently, everything has to be fixed with the change to HD model” and “visual model, unless new info appears, will correspond to the collision model” (SS: as in, collision model is decisive in this case, not the visual one)
“一开始呢,我们把它搞的和WZ-111很像,也就是很像IS-3的玩意。在那之后,我们收到了中方的信息表示这俩其实是不一样的,于是我们就修复了碰撞模型,但是修复的日期被推后到了“When it’s done”。现在呢,要修复的所有东西都要等到高清化以后才行”以及“视觉模型的话,除非有新消息出现,都会和碰撞模型保持一致”(SS:换句话说就是碰撞模型在这种情况下是起决定性作用的,而不是视觉模型) 

– regarding the fate of the Sixth sense: “For now, we haven’t decided. There are several variants. For example to enable it for everyone by default.”

– it’s okay if a premium tank gets buffed during its rework to HD, nerfs are however not allowed apparently

– it’s apparently possible that HE shells (SS: specifically on low caliber guns) might be improved, but developers havent figured how

– the info from not so long ago that the viewrange of all classes apart from LT will be nerfed “has to be confirmed”

– turning cranks and such when the gun rotates (for example on arty vehicles), the way it is in War Thunder, will not be implemented for now, but maybe later

– special perks for gold will not be implemented

– crew XP to free XP transfer will not be implemented

– new spotting system: “when it’s done it’s done for now”
新的点亮系统:“when it’s done it’s done,至少现在是这样”

– T-34-3 will be buffed a bit

– it’s likely that premium FV4202 will come around New Year, but no promises

– Storm does think it’s possible the amount of FV4202′s will be around the same number as the amount of T34′s was, when it was given out as premium

– for now, there is no info on the mythical FV100 80-100 ton British heavy tank, WG will look for it. Cannoneer adds: “Unfortunately, there are no pictures. Or any info whatsoever. The amount of tanks in the game, that do not have any pictures in real life, is extremely small.”
现在暂时还没有关于传说中的FV100 80~100吨英国重坦的消息,WG会去看看的。Cannoneer表示:“不幸的是,现在没有图片,或者任何种类的信息。在游戏中出现的坦克,但是却没有现实生活中的图片的情况是非常少的。”

– ingame tank wikipedia is not planned for now

– there are plans to implement the ingame armor inspector like in War Thunder, but this has been postponed due to more important tasks

– FV304 will be nerfed in 9.3

– T92 Light Tank will not come in 2014

– developers will look for info on Japanese and British light tank branch candidates as well, so far there is nothing there

– patch 9.5 will not come until New Year

– premium tier 8 Soviet medium tank? “When it’s done it’s done” (it’s not modelled yet)
金币8级苏联中坦?“When it’s done it’s done”(现在还没建模)

– apparently, developers have no technical means to stop the chat command mods

– there will be some fixed in MM mechanism, but Storm won’t say what exactly, but it will be to make setups more “fair”

– 9.3 will bring “only a few” HD tanks, 9.4 will bring more

– devs are also working on new ingame sounds

– there will be no free tanks in 9.3 (SS: as in, no free T37 of KV-1S/KV-85 both), the XP spent on Chaffee will not be compensated

– render range turned to a circle – in medium future

– tanks flipping on roof will come with the “new physics” introduction, also medium future

– Firefly will be a medium tank, not a TD

– teamkiller punishment system works well: “Fuck off with your ‘accidental’ shooting of teammates every battle. To me it happens once per 100 battles.”

– Ruinberg on Fire will be removed and switched for a winter version of Ruinberg

– statistics do not show that arty suffers due to new city maps

– there will be no special “no gold ammo” battle mode

– no new US branch will come this year

– T-54 gold shells will not be nerfed

– Havok is still being worked on

– Type 62 crew is based on what Chinese partners told WG about the crew member roles

– apparently, traverse limit indicator will be added to all the modes (arcade/sniper/arty), there are no further plans beyond that however

– Storm states that the vehicles turning on their roof will happen rarely, so it won’t bother players
Storm表示坦克翻车的情况真的很少发生, 所以不会困扰玩家

– Storm to a player, who is whining that he did tons of damage and still lost the battle, recieving less XP than the lowest members of winning team: “You lost – suffer!”

– FV215b (120) will be completely removed from the game, it won’t stay as an alternative tier 10 heavy
FV215b(120) 会被从游戏中彻底移除,不会作为10级重坦的可选车

– a player proposed (to make games less campy) to reduce accuracy, make shells lose more penetration with distance and to buff the LT/MT speed. Storm states that reduced accuracy (even on the move) would make players camp even more because they would have to stop to aim properly. More penetration loss will be bad for tanks like KV-5, whose penetration is bad the way it is and to buff LT/MT speeds is not possible, because you’d get totally unrealistic models.

– artillery will NOT be removed from the game

– Storm confirms that the Schmalturm PzIV will have the additional side plates modelled in collision model after all (SS: as in they will count as armor)

– Storm, regarding the FV4202 changes: “The vehicle will get its armor nerfed by a lot, the gun will be switched for a less powerful one and the engine will be worse as well. Generally, the only thing in common with the old tank will be the name and partially the way it looks.”

– mobile version of WoWp and WoWs is not planned for now apparently

【Developer Q&A 】2014/08/27》上有3个想法

  1. 哼,又要改分房机制了。。。一定是因为玩家整体发生了变化(不用说是变差了),所以又要悄悄地改变规则,保护新手玩家。

  2. 萤火虫变成了MT,那么17磅炮的穿深170,应该是7级中坦了。。假如是TD还可能是6级。


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