
来源┏ (゜ω゜)=☞ http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/08/26/straight-outta-supertest-9-3-partial-tank-changes

真来源┏ (゜ω゜)=☞ http://m.vk.com/newsblog_wot

Please keep inmind that this is just a partial list of what is going on in 9.3. Full supertest patchnotes will be available on Thursday.

KV-1S changes KV-1S的改动

KV-1S is getting split to two tanks: KV-1S and KV-85

If you have the KV-1S unlocked: 如果你已经点出了KV-1S: 

– if you have the 85mm D-5T gun unlocked, you will have the 85mm S-31 gun unlocked as well
如果你点出了85mm D-5T炮的话,你的85mmS-31炮现在也会被点出来

– if you have KV-1S unlocked, you will have KV-85 unlocked as well

– KV-1S statistics are transferred to KV-85

– KV-1S crew will be retrained to KV-85 with the exception of the radioman (who will remain on KV-1S)

– XP accumulated on KV-1S will be transferred to KV-85, so will the barrel rings

– if you have the elite suspension unlocked, you will have the KV-122 suspension (elite) unlocked as well

– if you have the elite turret unlocked, you will have the KV-122 Obr. 1944 turret (elite) unlocked as well
如果你点出了完全体的炮塔,你的KV-122 Obr. 1944炮塔(完全体)也会被点出来

– if you have the 122mm U-11 unlocked, you will have the 122mm S-41 howitzer and the elite turret unlocked as well
如果你点出了122mm U-11,那么你的122mm S-41喷子炮也会被解锁,并且同时还会点亮完全体炮塔

– if you have the 122mm D-2-5T unlocked, you will have the 100mm S-34 unlocked as well 如果你点出了122mm D-2-5T的话,你的100mm S-34也会被点亮 

If you have the KV-1S in your garage:

– equipment will be moved to the depot, so will the consumables and shells

– KV-1S gets changed to KV-85

– crew of KV-1S will get moved and retrained to KV-85 (apart from the radioman, who returns to barracks)

– KV-1S camo and inscription will be transferred to KV-85

– if you have stock KV-1S suspension, you will get stock suspension on KV-85, same goes for elite

– if you have the V-2IS engine on KV-1S, you’ll get the same engine on KV-85

– you will get the same radio on KV-85 as you had on KV-1S

– if you had a stock turret, you will get a stock turret on KV-85 as well, same goes for elite turret

– guns get changed from KV-1S to KV-85 as such: 76mm ZiS-5, 76mm S-54, 122mm U-11 and 85mm D-5T all to 85mm D-5T, 122mm D-2-5T gets transferred to KV-85
KV-1S→KV-85的主炮转换如下: 76mm ZiS-5, 76mm S-54, 122mm U-11 以及85mm D-5T都会被换成85mm D-5T,122mm D-2-5T会被转移到KV-85上

(yes, that apparently means no free tier 5 KV-1S for KV-1S owners)

Chaffee changes 霞飞的改动 

Chaffee turret and guns get changed (amongst other changes)

If you have the Chaffee unlocked: 如果你点出了霞飞: 

– if the 76mm T94 gun was unlocked, you will have 75mm M17 gun unlocked
如果你点出了76mm T94炮,那么你的75mm M17炮也会被点亮

– if you had the 2x44E24 V-8 Cadillac engine unlocked, you will have Twin Cadillac Series 44T4 engine unlocked (stock)
如果你点出了2x44E24 V-8凯迪拉克发动机的话,你现在双凯迪拉克44T4引擎会被点亮

– if you had the second engine unlocked, you will get the Wright Continental R-975C4 engine (elite) unlocked

If you have the Chaffee in garage:

– shells will be moved to hangar

– 76mm T94, if it was installed, will be moved to the depot and you’ll get 75mm M17 instead
如果车上用的是76mm T94的话,它会被放进仓库,车上的炮会换成75mm M17

– stock and second engine will be changed without moving of the module to depot (second engine will be elite)

– if you had the elite engine installed, you will get the second (elite) engine

– if the stock engine is in your depot as a module, it will be sold for purchase price in credits (8000 creds)

M5 Stuart changes M5斯图亚特的改动 

M5 turret and guns get changed (amongst other changes)

If you have the Stuart unlocked: 如果你点亮了斯图亚特:

– 37mm Gun M6 will be unlocked in any case
无论怎样你都会解锁一杆37mm M6炮

– if you have the elite turret unlocked, you will also get the 37mm Gun T16 unlocked
如果你点亮了完全体炮塔的话,那你在更新后会点亮37mm T16炮 

If you have the Stuart in the garage: 如果车库中有斯图亚特的话: 

– shells will be moved to the depot 弹药会被放进仓库

– if you have the 20mm Hispano-Suiza gun installed, you will get 37mm Gun M6 instead
如果你现在用的是20mm主炮的话,更新后会装上一杆37mm M6炮给你

– if you have the 75mm M3 instealled, you will get 37mm T16 instead
如果现在用的是75mm M3炮的话,更新后会装上一杆37mm T16炮 



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