【Developer Q&A 】2014/08/17

原文链接: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/08/17/17-8-2014/

– the information that Firefly was planned for patch 0.9.5 is correct (SS: this however can still change, currently the 9.5 is planned for mid December)
关于9.5出萤火虫的消息是正确的(SS: 不过还可能会改变,9.5暂定于12月中出)。(多半意味着其他关于Y系的变化也是9.5)

– attacking other Strongholds owned by other clans will work roughly as clanwars, only instead of gold, you get the industrial resource

– apparently, there was a bug in the rules/shop on the Russian server, where – if you bought a vehicle in the shop for discount and you already had it, you recieved its original pre-discount price in gold as compensation (SS: as in, buying something worth 1500g for 750g, you already have it, you get 1500g instead). This was recently fixed (causing some butthurt on RU forums).
俄服出现了一个bug,如果你购买一个正在打折且你已经有了的车,你会得到原价的金币补偿。(SS: 也就是说你花750 G去买一个原价1500 G的坦克,如果你已经拥有这个车了,相当于你花750 G买了1500 G),这个问题最近已经修复过了。

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