【Developer Q&A 】2014/08/03


Nothing much today – again. Only one thing in fact: light tanks in general will be buffed in 9.3 apparently (one thing specifically mentioned was the durability of tracks, a player was complaining that he gets detracks from every highspeed bump – it is not clear however whether the buff will address this or not).

Both 9.3 and 9.4 will be quite interesting I think. Also, you can read new Listy’s article about sea rescue.

Also, according to Wargaming, all the people recently permabanned for the “fraud” are scammers. So good luck getting unbanned.

Edit: according to this post, a company like VISA can actually request Wargaming to permaban a game account? What the hell? The employee however does not know the details. Weird.

Either way, the “resolution” is, that – according to Wargaming – everyone, who actually got permabanned, attempted a fraud and the ban happened at the request of the partner (for example VISA company). WG admits there were numerous cases of this issue recently.
总而言之,“解决方式”就是—根据WG的说法— 每个被永封的人都试图进行过诈骗,而封他们号的需求都是从合作伙伴那边来的(栗如VISA)。WG承认最近有许多这样的问题。

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