【Developer Q&A 】2014/07/20


– the unhistoricity of tanks in the game is relative according to developers: some players claim that 70 percent of all tanks are “unhistorical” – developers argue that this number could be brought to up to 100 percent, since there is practically always an unhistorical element in some tanks (such as maximum speed)

– why was WT E-100 nerfed in second test? “Because reducing the number of shells by 1 and buffing the magazine reload time made it even strunger. No way we want that.”
为什么二测削弱了WT E-100?“因为把弹夹数量-1然后缩短装填时间作为补偿会让这辆车变得更屌。我们真的不想这样。”

– the fact that tanks need rebalance every now and than is normal: “If it ever stops, it means we closed the project. Every online project has constant rebalancing. Sometimes only a small one, but every project. There is no ideal balance in the world.”

【Developer Q&A 】2014/07/20》上有4个想法


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