【Developer Q&A 】2014/06/26


Unfortunately, with Storm on vacation (a week and a half more IIRC), very little is new. The ASIA “developer Q&A” with Tanitha looks promising, but he sort of backed off (understandeably) and needs to clear what he can tell players officially and what he can’t. Should be interesting still.
鉴于Storm还在度假(没记错的话还有一个半礼拜),今天也是非常和平的一天。亚服Tanitha的“Developer Q&A”看起来很不错,但是他有点缩了(可以理解)并且需要重申他作为官方可以跟玩家说什么,什么不能说。应该还是有点意思的。 

Oddly enough, the EU portal did not inform (unlike the RU one) that the WoT Blitz was officially released, so… World of Tanks Blitz was officially released and you can get it officially here. Android version will come in the upcoming months. You can discuss the news on Overlord’s blog!

– apparently, the issue with players not seeing friends in the garage as online even though they are persists after the micropatch

– same goes, according to player feedback, for the “moving corpses” bug, it seems the issue was NOT fixed

– Blitz is separate from WoT, including statistics and servers, but you can log in using the same account as in WoT

– there will not be unified premium between WoT and WoTBlitz


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