【Developer Q&A 】2014/04/29


I think the developers are on vacation, so let’s see the rest of that Raptr QA. The answers are by Jbots (some PR girl) and Major_Rampage (that name I know).

– WG stopping adding new tanks to WoT? “There is no plan on when to stop at this point. We will keep introducing as many new tanks as long as it makes sense for the game.” (SS: you wish…)

– 2014 is “the year of graphic updates”

– new “fun modes” are being worked on for WoT

– “We may implement more anti cheat functionality into the game, however we will not discuss how we will do this, as it would help people look for work arounds.” (SS: ah, so there is none after all, thought so)

This one made me giggle:

Q: “И так вопрос! Что ж вы пиндосы русских так не любите?” (A question: how come you faggots don’t love the Russians?)
A: “English please! Sorry, I only read one language :)” (SS: lucky you…)
问:“И так вопрос! Что ж вы пиндосы русских так не любите?” (一个问题:“你们这群傻逼为何不喜欢毛子?”)

However, there are other stronk answers as well:

“Seal Clubbing is something we definitely don’t support. Seals should not be drinking alcohol, and when they dance they look like fools. We have been looking into having bouncers placed outside of dance events to stop seals from entering clubs in the first place.”

This one is interesting:

– “Certain maps in matchmaking are chosen based on tank tier if you keep seeing the same map over and over, try switching out a tank tier.”

– no plans to change premium tank configuration

– bigger maps? ” It has been a long time desire to increase the maps sizes and support larger battles especially with Historical Battles. Technically, doubling the maps sizes and increasing teams to 30v30 would quadruple the server processing requirements. We will continue to pursue this goal, however it is not slated for the 2014 timeframe.”

– no bigger platoons than 3 are planned

Personal note: please don’t use Raptr for QA, guys… it’s terrible. And as for The_Chieftain chastising me for not recognizing you and giving you proper credit – use nicknames! Major_Rampage, that I know. Chris Jung? Not so much. That leads people to believe that instead of staff that clearly has experience with games, they get their answers from random PR department people.
个人注:各位,不要把Raptr拿去做QA……Terrible. 以及The_Chieftain在我没能认出你们,给你们相应的声誉骂过我之后——记得用昵称啊!Major_Rampage,这个我倒是知道。Chirs Jung?算了。不使用昵称的后果就是会让大家认为他们的答案都是从公共关系部随便拉了个人就出来回答的,而不是对游戏有着经验的开发团队人员。


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