

Hello everyone,

what follows is the account of model changes I’ve been able to discover in patch 9.0. Unusually, we’ll start with the Americans. You see, American vehicles recieved somethig graphic overhaul. This was not supposed to happen until later actually, as it is generally connected with the coming of the US light tank tier 8. Let’s have a look at it. Oh yea, and nevermind the different color, that’s due to the new shader system being used – just ignore that and focus on the shapes.

Also note that unlike usually, in order to save traffic, the images are hosted at imgur and in order to make one larger, you have to rightclick it and select “view image”.

Chaffee – stock turret visual model change (the lighter one is the new one obviously)

Chaffee elite turret change is much more visible. As you can see, the old “ugly” turret got removed. This is because the old turret did not belong to the Chaffee and was not really an “M24″ turret, it was the T37 turret, belonging to the T37 light tank, which was a successor to Chaffee. When the US light line comes, T37 will most likely be a tier 6 tank, so they are “saving” the turret for it this way.

And here the armor setup. Notice that the new M24 elite turret in 9.0 is bugged, the mantlet is not where it’s supposed to be.
还有一张装甲分布。请注意新的M24(顶级)炮塔在9.0中有Bug ,炮盾的位置是错的。

M5 Stuart changed as well, the M5 turret becoming historically smaller
M5斯图亚特 也改了,现在的M5炮塔符合史实,变小了


And here is the top turret change, which is again much more visible. The Stuart lost its open turret and now actually has a historical closed turret. It is also worth noting that the 75mm howitzer cannot fit the closed turret (there is a reason this turret was open) and is scheduled to be removed from this vehicle, when the American rebalance comes.

Other changes:

– WZ120: completely insignificant change, fixing a millimeter-sized bug on driver’s visor, not even worth taking screenshot

– ARL39: textured reworked to new shader system, otherwise nothing

– apparently, French AMX 105 AM Mle47 now has a turret (the gun looks a bit different) – odd
还有,法国的AMX 105(1947)现在有了个炮塔(炮看起来不一样)—挺奇怪的 

– Panzerjäger I’s armor got fixed in 9.0 and its visual appearance changed a bit as well

– Panzer I became slightly narrower

– Sturmpanzer I got kinda smaller
Sturmpanzer I也变小了一点 

– Hummel got a bit smaller and its armor more detailed

– M6A2E1 gun got a bit longer

Additionally, a lot of models had their textures changed from “old” to “new” (those bleak ones, used for the new shader system), in game it of course looks better than in the viewer 🙂
还有就是许多模型的贴图都从“旧的”变成了“新的”(那些黑乎乎的,用在新的拾色器上的)在游戏中比在WOT Viewer中看起来会强很多就是了。 


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