【Developer Q&A 】2014/02/10


As I wrote on the Facebook, I am currently ill, so I apologize if the translation is worse than usual, did my best.

Check out Listy’s article about Chieftain development – part 1

– SerB doesn’t often use the Soviet branch as a comparison for other branches (SS: earlier, it was posted somewhere that some Soviet vehicles serve as some sort of “base” for other vehicle comparison)

– whenever a tank moves, it is instantly considered to be moving (for camo purposes)

– the rule above applies for all types of vehicles

– a player asked, whether WoWs is being developed, or priority lies elsewhere. SerB answers that WoWs development is made by a separate independent studio and it is influenced very little by other WG projects

– shell velocities in WoT are lower than in real life in order to emphasize the skill factor (pre-aiming)

– all types of shells for the same gun have the same velocity in order not to confuse players

– SerB, when asked whether MM is taking into account situations, where elite clans make platoons of OP tanks in high tier battles: “You got skilled – you have the right to pwn. If you made a platoon from skilled players – you have to pwn.”

– apparently the rumor that if you are getting nasty fights, it’s enough to just switch a server to “reset” MM is just a rumor

– ground resistance is not tied to the tank weight – weight is taken into account in power-to-weight ratio, not in the resistance

– the ingame report system will be improved (it is being developed), it’s possible the “justifiability” of each player will be taken into account (SS: as in, a complaint by a player, who submits bullshit reports might have smaller weight than the one by a player, who reports correctly, at least that’s how I understood it)

– SerB doesn’t see a general problem with the “old” tanks (SS: as in earlier introduced): “If Veider’s team notices problems in statistics, we will buff them”

– SerB states that the appearance of alternative hulls does NOT mean the current issues with load capacity will be completely negated, he adds that there shouldn’t be that much of a problem in it, because later (more advanced) hulls will simply have access to later modules (SS: as in, early hull variant will have access to stock gun like it is now, the late one will have access to upgraded guns)

– for now, the hulls are planned as tied to the suspensions

– Havok will have no influence on shell behavior, it will work client-wise (SS: shells will not have mass)

– 0 damage hits being removed from the game (SS: as in, damaging tracks would damage the tank HP as well)? “It’s not decided yet, we are discussing”

– Object 140 model will be reworked – when it is reworked to the HD quality

– about shooting HE shells into enemy gun barrel: the “explosion” happens not always at the end of the barrel, but at the point it met the barrel. Shooting the end of the barrel however will produce 0 damage hit.
关于对敌人的炮管打HE弹的事情:“爆炸”并不总是在炮管根部发生, 而是在炮弹与炮管交汇处发生。但是射击炮管根部的后果就是没有伤害

– it’s possible, that alternative hulls will have their modules somehow “locked”, for example the T-54 (with two equally valuable hulls – either more armor, or more speed), the older (more armored) hull might be able to use only the stock turret with LB-1 as its gun

– vehicle viewrange will not be buffed (“it’s big as it is now”)

– missing US premium TD? “We do not guarantee the symmetry of all types of premium vehicles for all nations”

– Q: “Should we wait for new maps with western, African, Eastern and Asian thematics, CW innovations and premium French vehicles?” A: “Noone can forbid you to wait”

– apparently, on supertest an option was tried where bunker guns on maps suddenly came alive and started shooting at the tanks passing by

Earlier today, Storm posted a “fan mail” he recieved from some Russian player (pretty funny whine). In comments, Veider wrote he gets over a dozen of such stuff per day.

– developers decided not to implement a winrate per session statistics, because people would only get butthurt about 30 percent per session and those, who really want this stuff (unicums) can get it via mods

【Developer Q&A 】2014/02/10》上有2个想法

  1. – all types of shells for the same gun have the same velocity in order not to confuse players


  2. “超测服上有了这样的一个选项,就是地图上的那些碉堡里的炮们突然开始了活动,并且会对过往的坦克开火。” 吓尿了好不好2333


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