【Developer Q&A 】2014/01/25

原文地址: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/01/25/25-1-2014/

– apparently, mastery badges won’t be rewarded with credits or XP (SerB: “Greed is bad”)重新获得嘉奖并不会有额外的经验或银币奖励(SerB:不要太贪了好不好- -)

– SerB states that the German captured KV-1 was not equipped with an 88mm gun, but with the 75mm
大光头说元首缴获的KV-1只有75口径的炮, 88炮?做梦去吧 

– apparently, after the TD alpha nerf, their shell price will remain the same
你们都知道10级TD单发被砍了100均伤的事吧,没错, 它的价格还是原价来着!!!

– Q: “Did you ever consider making a “sandbox” game with “free world”?” A: “You see, we didn’t do it for students and schoolkids, who don’t do squat. We made the game for adult men, who are successful in real life and have time for only short game sessions. Students and schoolkids – go play Warcraft.”
问: 你们考虑过搞个”沙盒”一样的东西?
答: 你看,我们才不会给那些不坐办公室的小孩子和学生刻意做这种东西,我们更关心的是那些个真正在现实生活里的成功人士,只是玩玩游戏来消遣下的成年人. 至于小孩子和学生们,,,你们还是去玩魔兽吧~~

– Q: “Why is there no US premium TD?” A: “And there has to be one according to User Agreement?”
为啥没有米国金币TD腻?!! 答: 协议里有说一定要有么?(#‵′)靠 

– apparently (SS: if I understand this correctly), CW format is changing to be more casual friendly
如果SS理解正确的话 , 领土站-Clanwar会改的更随意更友好些

– tier 8 premium German medium tank? “If there are any plans, I will tell”
元首会有8级金币中坦么? 如果有的话我会告诉你

– apparently, the T-54 remodelling concerns only the 120mm frontal armor hull – when the alternative 100mm hull is introduced, it will look like the “old” (8.10) T-54
显然T-54重做模型是为了让120mm的装甲看起来”更真实一点”.  以后引入可研发替换车体时100mm的车体装甲会和现在(8.10)的T-54看起来差不多

– it’s possible T-44-85 will not appear at all: “It’s better to implement a normal tier 8 prem than this poor guy” – a candidate for that tier appeared
可能T-44-85不会出现了.找个正常的8级金币车出来比这个苦逼佬还好些 — 于是乎候选方案出来了…

– it’s theoretically possible for the post-mission message (that appears in the garage) to appear on the map loading screen

– apparently, the Field of View changed in 8.11 (SS: weird, didn’t notice), before it was different for various resolutions, now it’s the same
这个翻译君虽然觉得有点出入,不过看更新日志确实有! 720米半径的渲染圈!!!这个确实和原来的矩形有很大的不同!!!空了测下看看了

– player asked Storm about the national battles, whether this is what the developers wanted. Storm: “Definitely. Almost an ideal setup.”
有人问storm关于国别站的事, 这图里的确定是否是dev们所希望的?

– roaming is “being worked on and polished”

– big maps (twice as big as the current ones) are being worked on

– Sturmtiger being worked on, no ETA

– there are plans for Chinese SPG’s and TD’s, no ETA

– Storm states that 8.11 shouldn’t run slower on weak computers – in fact, some weak computers will see FPS increase

– it’s now 100 percent sure that Wargaming will remove the class camo bonus when firing a gun for all the tank destroyers (SS: as in, tank destroyers will no longer be harder to spot when firing a gun of the same caliber than other classes)
wg计划去除TD开火时的隐蔽加成,这是100%确定要移除的!(SS: td不会比别的同类型管子的车种更难被点亮了)

– generally, in the future, all large caliber guns will make the vehicle easier to spot than it is now

– the two changes above will come either in 9.0 or 9.1, as it requires long testing
去掉td的开炮隐蔽加成和 大口径变得更容易被点亮的改动会在9.0或9.1改吧, 不过还要好好测测 — 好好搓一搓么?!!2333

Overlord on national battles:
Vehicle balance has never been tailored to cater for national battles (same nation teams), so we might get some unexpected results which will require changing/fixing. This applies to particular vehicles and particular nation vs nation opposition.
绝对不会为了国别站而特意去锉刀调整车辆的平衡. 所以最终的调整结果可能会有点出乎意料。这样的改动在特定车辆和特定国家站时生效。

This is interesting – from the Reddit QA (author – Deception_WG):
The developers are working on a different approach for clans but first we will get improvements on how the system works, which means better stability less technical problems. Currently we do no plan to increase the size of EU CW map.
这个比较有意思的东西是从 Reddit QA里翻出来的:
dev正在给CW研究不同方法进行改动, 不过先要改进系统的工作原理. 这意味着以后的cw会更稳定更少的维护周期. 目前不打算增加eu的 cw地图大小
On creating historically accurate tanks (author – Deception_WG)
Yes, we are in contact with many museums in the world, such as Bovington (England), Saumur (France), Munster (Germany) and many others especially in Russia of course. Then when we have the correct dimensions, plans and blueprints from them, the are taking the data to make the models and then re-checked by our historical experts to be as accurate as possible.
是的,我们和很多博物馆都有密切联系合作, 比如英格兰多塞特郡Bovington博物馆(好像有能开动的护士!!), 法国的Saumur, 德国的Munster以及俄罗斯等地的很多博物馆!!! 我们有了目标,计划和蓝图,然后根据数据做出模型,然后让历史学家去尽可能的精准的而去重新检查.


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