【Developer Q&A 】2014/01/14

Source: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/01/14/14-1-2014/

– some vehicles (like the FCM 50t) have visibly lower quality of some parts of the model (in this case, tracks). The reason for that is that currently, the maximum amount of polygons per model is limited and sometimes there’s just not enough
部分坦克(例如FCM 50t)模型的一部分看上去很差(FCM 50t的履带)的原因是现在每辆坦克上的多边形数量(用于建模)被限制在了一个数量内,有的时候多边形的数量还真的就是不够了。

– improved Prokhorovka (SS: see earlier leak post) is work in progress, it will not appear in 8.11, maybe it will in 9.0

– Windstorm map (SS: modelled apparently after Trondheim) will appear in 8.11
另:特隆赫姆是德国入侵挪威的行动(威瑟演习作战)中其中一个入侵目标。 由希佩尔海军上将号及4艘驱逐舰运送的1700名德国陆军山地部队在1940年4月9日凌晨登陆特隆赫姆,并在同日控制特隆赫姆。——以上内容均来源于维基百科,特隆赫姆词条。

– the Windstorm map is the same map Storm referred to as “Norwegian/Swedish map”

– the guns on the Prokhorovka map (if I understand it correctly) will be German

– the new Prokhorovka is not made for HD-client yet

– for now, the map option where light tanks could cross the river over ice while heavies would break through the ice and drown is not planned

– both the winter and summer versions of Himmelsdorf will be available in the game in parallel

– Storm states that despite adding several winter maps, the majority of maps will still remain summer maps

– regarding more desert maps, Storm states desert maps are bleak and monotonous

– new personal rating formula will be published “when Storm gets to it”

– the only difference between summer and winter Himmelsdorf will be the visuals, gameplay will stay the same

– Storm states it’s “not needed” to rework all the maps to look more “war-torn” like Prokhorovka (craters, explosions etc.)

– dynamic seasons changes on maps (SS: like, winter/autumn/spring etc. on one map) depending on what season is there in real life are planned, but not anytime soon

– various daytimes on maps (SS: morning, noon, evening etc.) are also planned, in middle future

– Wargaming devs like the “haze” on maps (SS: as in, “morning mist”), it is there to actually make the transition towards “thick” mist on the map edge look more natural

– Storm agrees that on the maps leaked, the (Erlenberg) ford looks weird (unrealistic), but adds that this is a gameplay decision to add it

– there will not be more details added to the Himmelsdorf inner yards that only arty can see in arty view

– changes to light tanks? “When it’s done it’s done”
轻坦们的变动?“When it’s done it’s done”

– according to SerB, there is a connection between tank weight and its ability to bring down trees as follows: “a tank weighing N tons can bring down a tree of N centimeter trunk diameter”

– more realistic tank performance in historical battles? SerB: “Want realism? Join the army.”

– Q: “I have a problem…” A: “Write in the “Problems” section of forums”

– there is no universal conversion formula for the penetration conversion between “German” and “Soviet” penetration system (SS: while the “Soviet” system is used in general, sometimes the numbers are intentionally changed, so the fact a gun has a different penetration in real life matters very little to developers)

According to German penetration tables, Russian PaK 36(r) has 130mm penetration. Soviets list it at 96mm penetration. That however does not mean that RU number = GER number * 1,354 (130/96) – the correlation is not linear. Furthermore, some guns in game are intentionally unhistorically buffed or underpowered (90mm US guns, T-25′s A18), so it doesn’t matter anyway what penetration the gun had in real life, because WG will do whatever they want.
根据德国人的穿深表格来看,毛子的PaK 36(r)炮的穿深是130mm。苏联的表格上写的是96mm的穿深。但是这并不意味着毛子的数据*1.354=德国人的数据 —这两者之间的关系并不是线性的。进一步来讲,部分游戏内的主炮是刻意做的比历史上的炮要厉害或者要弱的(90mm的美国主炮,T-25的A18炮等等)。所以现实生活中这杆炮的穿深是多少并不重要,因为WG还是会埋头去做自己要做的事情。

– SerB states that while it’s theoretically possible to make tree trunks into solid objects (the was ripped off turrets will be), it’s not needed – it would only create a mess of fallen solid trees, that would block players

– US light line might be reworked more like sooner than later…

【Developer Q&A 】2014/01/14》上有2个想法


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