Not much today. But you can check out Listy’s post about the Israeli defense of Yad Mordechai kibutz from Egypt in 1948
今天也没什么东西。不过你可以去看看Listy的关于以色列在1948年是如何从埃及手中保护Yad Mordechai基布兹的帖子。
– in 8.11, the option to disable the battle chat will come, however players with disabled chat will not be marked as such (SS: as in, others won’t be able to see whether your chat is disabled or not)
– apparently, the option to “thank” a player after battle for his good performance will come in some undisclosed future (SS: if I understand it correctly, because SerB used a phrase that makes no sense to me)
– Lowe ammo rack module size has not changed in 8.10 (SS: only the number of shells carried increased)
– Chieftain on US forum states that Wargaming is aware of the T42 Medium Tank (SS: it might theoretically appear in the second US medium branch, but who knows)
译注:T42中型坦克:美国在冷战时期设计的坦克,后来炮塔被拿到M47巴顿上去用了。另外还有一辆M46E1,利用了M46的车身和T42的炮塔,装配了一杆M36 90mm炮。该车只制造了一辆。——摘自维基百科