【Developer Q&A 】2013/12/23


Just in case you didn’t notice, the EU mission for 2x crew XP works normally now, took only half a day to fix 🙂

RIP Michail Kalashnikov

– Q: “Why is the way radio works in game unrealistic?” A: “Because burning gasoline is not gushing from your screen either”

– the way radios work won’t be changed

– RhB WT rear turret armor is zero – a player was complaining about some low damage hit, SerB: “How terrible”
莱茵金属武器运载车的炮塔后部装甲是0—有玩家在抱怨为什么打那里出低伤,SerB:“How terrible”

– the fact Intuition perk can be triggered by switching shell types before the battle begins is fine: “It doesn’t hurt anyone”

– Q: “Why can’t I get more ignore list slots for 100 idiots?” A (SerB): “Tell me, who are those 99 idiots (apart from you of course) you are talking about?”

– the reason Wargaming is using paper sources in some cases instead of simply measuring the tanks in museums is the fact that even the museum vehicles are different from each other, for example two King Tigers measured both had different lower front plate (100mm and 120mm), while nominally, 100mm is correct

– the StuG III in game weight is “correct” (despite being 3 tons lighter than historical StuG III Ausf.G), because the weight is “averaged” from different models

– Ferdinand fuel tanks are not located on the correct spot? “How terrible
费迪南的油箱位置不对?“How terrible”

– SerB doesn’t know whether the Tiger P model size will change to match the Ferdinand

– Ferdinand side superstructure thickness in game (80mm) is apparently correct, even though some Russian sources (Svirin) state the thickness was 85mm, as the thickness was allegedly different from piece to piece

– equipment (camo net, binoculars etc.) is not graphically modelled in game, because it is difficult to implement and not very important

– Q: “Why isn’t the situation, where non-penetrating shells get stuck in armor modelled in the game?” A: “And you have infinitely powerful PC? I envy you and so do 99,99999999999 percent of players”

– the King Tiger commander’s copula armor is apparently not historical (historically cca 120mm, ingame 150mm), more like a game compromise

– Hetzer engines unhistorical? “How terrible” (SS: in fact, they are quite historical, at least as far as the projects based on 38t go – in order to bring Hetzer to its historical value however, the top 220 (I think?) hp engine would have to be switched for Maybach HL50Z 200hp engine (that was experimented with on Hetzer, according to Czech sources))
追猎者的引擎是非史实的?“How terrible”(SS:其实它们还是挺史实的,至少基于38t的计划来看是这样的——不过要把追猎者彻底还原到历史水平,顶级的发动机(220马力那个吧?)需要被换成迈巴赫 HL50Z 200马力的引擎才行(根据捷克的文献表明,这个引擎在追猎者上做过实验))

– apparently in real life, the US 155mm T7 gun (T30 TD) had only HE shells available
现实中,美国的155mm T7炮(T30 TD用的)只能发射HE弹

– the fact that some guns do not correspond in penetration to the book values can often be explained by using different types of shells (SS: this actually IS a valid argument, but even so, some guns are artificially buffed (T30′s T7) or nerfed (T-25 A18 – in real life the A18 had 130-140mm penetration))

– according to SerB the 113 tank is fine

– Q: “Why aren’t there some “epic achievements” named after German tankers in the game?” A: “What for, for fucking up WW1 or for fucking up WW2?”

– Chi-To radio weighs 560kg, because it’s “Japanese garbage”

– apparently the camo factor for guns (the amount by which the camo is reduced when the gun fires) is set manually, muzzle brake is taken into account (SS: if a gun has a muzzle brake, it generally demasks more, this is historical due to the distinctive side blast that gave away the gun’s position)

– +/-1 MM spread will not come, SerB states that it would be total garbage, because T-34 couldn’t for example meet the Tiger, Sherman couldn’t meet a Panther etc.

– apparently, 8.10 client can open 8.8 and 8.9 replays, this is connected with the fact that most maps were not changed

– viewrange is a sphere, not a cylinder

– currently there are no tanks in game with 0 thickness spaced armor, all spaced armor has some minimal thickness

– in WoWp, having an open cockpit doesn’t directly influence anything, the reduced speed but better viewrange is already implemented in the plane’s characteristics

– it’s possible that we will see more KV-4 models in game: some will be premium and event tanks and some will appear as optional hulls for KV-4


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