【Developer Q&A 】2013/08/28

Source: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/08/28/28-8-2013/

– The_Chieftain, US developer and tank expert, is pushing for a 3rd US TD line. He states there are a few tier 3 to 6′s possible, but high tiers will be a problem
– The_Chieftain 这位美国的开发人员和坦克专家,正在努力制作美国的3线TD。他表示 3 – 6 级的坦克有一些可选方案,但是到高级坦克会比较困难

– when there is tank A and tank B, with tank A having a lot of engine power but bad terrain passability, while tank B has bad engine power but good terrain passability, it’s possible to actually test the difference by looking at acceleration: tank A will have better acceleration at lower speeds
– 比方有 坦克A 和 坦克B,其中 坦克A 的发动机功率大但是履带适应性差,坦克B 的发动机功率低但是履带适应性好, 可以通过观察加速度来区分他们:坦克A 在低速时的加速度更好

– SerB posted this when asked about a single photo where the Superpershing has the “ears” on the turret.
– 当被索要 超级潘兴 炮塔有“耳朵”的图证,SerB 贴出了这张图(译注:“耳朵”是指炮塔两侧向斜后方延伸的装甲板,有点像两只耳朵。在外服,普遍认为超潘的炮塔附加装甲只有正面主炮附加的那一块,“耳朵”是WG的阴谋)

– apparently 100 percent crews for credit won’t be implemented
– 用银币训练成100%乘员很明显是不会有的

– historical info on the Chi-Nu Kai will be published
– 将来会公布 Chi-Nu改 的历史数据

– for now, there are no tier 8 premium candidates for Japan
– 暂时还没有日本8级金币车的备选方案

– experience spent on unlocking top E50/75 engines will not be compensated:
– 研发 E50/75 顶级发动机花费的经验不会有补偿

“That would be illogical. You had a tank in elite configuration and after that you will have a tank in elite configuration. What is there to compensate?”


“What was the purpose of unlocking the top engine? Elite tank. That was the purpose, was it not? Noone needs the engine alone apart from the tank. After all the changes, the player will again recieve an elite tank. So what is there to compensate?”


“You all put it as if playing the game was a hard work, that needs to be compensated. Or did you, like everyone else, play for fun? What is there to compensate? Fun time, spent in the game?”

– the developers decided not to increase the XP cost of E-100 in order to compensate for the engine lost, because they considered the E-100 XP cost too high anyway
– 开发组决定不通过增加 E-100 的研发经验来补偿失去发动机(导致研发 E-100 所需的总经验降低),因为他们觉得 E-100 所需的研发经验已经够高了

– the different sound when shooting the Object 140 gun compared to T-62A is a bug
– 140工程 和 T-62A 的开炮声音不同是个bug

– the compensation policy has changed since the SU-85 case (SS: it lost its top gun and XP was compensated for it). SerB on the SU-85 case: “That was a different situation. 107mm on SU-122 for example stood outside of the main unlocking line (SS: leading to new tank) and the gun unlocking spot was clearly localized”
– 补偿政策自从 SU-85 的案例之后就改变了(SS:SU-85失去了顶级炮并且补偿了全局经验)。SerB对 SU-85 一案的说法:“那次情况不同,举例来说 SU-122 的 107mm 炮不在 研发主线(SS:研发指向下一级车的线路)上,并且很明显那门炮仅个别车能用”

– terrain passability for the E-75 on medium and soft ground will be buffed in round 2 of the test
– 2测中 E-75 在 中地 和 软地 (既然受♂众是xvm和st就不用解释了)上的履带适应性将加强

– no plans to implement modern tanks into WoT
– 没有计划把现代坦克加入到 WoT

– the game Bigworld engine and Havok have nothing to do with the fact the modern tanks won’t make it to WoT
– 游戏采用 Bigworld 和 Havok 引擎与 WoT 不会做现代坦克,这两件事之间毫无关系

– Q: “Will obviously overpowered Object 268 be nerfed?” A: “Noobs always think other “imbalanced” tanks prevent them from pwning, they don’t blame their own game skill”
– Q:“268工程 明显过强,会不会砍?”

– commander tanks (less hitpoints, bigger viewrange and radio range) are still planned, “when it’s done it’s done”
– 指挥坦克(血更少,视野距离和通讯距离更远)还在计划中,“when it’s done it’s done”

– Foch and T57 won’t be nerfed because of whine, but because they stand out statistically
– 福煦 和 T57 被砍不是因为你们的牢骚,而是因为他们的战绩太突出

– the arty nerf statistics are already available for the developers, SerB states that all the intended goals were met
– 开发组已经得到了火炮削弱后的战绩数据,SerB 表示完全符合预期目标


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