【Updated by yurix2003 at 2013/2/20】
Consumables are single-use items used during battle to provide bonus for a one-time event or for a single match. Various types of consumables are used to repair tank modules, increase tank performance, and heal crew members.
给养分为银币给养和金币给养。玩家的每一辆战车最多能携带3种不同的给养。玩家不能携带两个完全相同的给养,但是可以同时携带银币给养以及与之对应的金币给养,如:小修理箱和大修理箱。默认按键设置中使用4 5 6来启用相对应的给养。
Consumables come in two forms: Regular Consumables and Premium Consumables. You can carry up to three different consumables in a single tank. While you cannot carry two identical consumable items, you can carry a regular consumable and its premium counterpart, e.g., the small repair kit and large repair kit. By default, consumables are activated by pressing keys ‘4,’ ‘5,’ or ‘6,’ depending on the consumable desired (unless the hot keys have been remapped).
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小修理箱 Small Repair Kit |
3,000 credits |
使用后可修复选中的战车零件直到战斗结束,但修理过的零件仍然可以被敌方再次击伤。0.7.4后使用小修理箱可以同时修复两条断掉的履带。 Repairs one chosen damaged module until the end of the match when activated by the respective button. The repaired module can still be damaged again after the repair. From 0.7.4 on both tracks can be repaired at the same time. |
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小急救包 Small First Aid Kit |
3,000 credits |
使用后可治愈选中的坦克乘员直到战斗结束,但治愈的成员仍然可以被敌方再次击伤。 Heals one chosen injured crew member until the end of battle when activated by the respective button. The healed crew members can still be re-injured or perish. |
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手动灭火器 Manual Fire Extinguishers |
3,000 credits |
如果战车起火,使用手动灭火器可以灭火,限于反应时间,坦克将至少受到一次烧伤。 If the tank catches fire this consumable extinguishes it when activated by the respective button. Regardless of reaction time the tank will suffer at least one “tick” of fire damage. |
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100号汽油 100-octane Gasoline |
5,000 credits |
整场战斗中,增加5%的发动机动力(因此 战车得以提高加速性能)以及5%的炮塔转速【译注:当然,不见得能影响实战】。此给养在战斗开始时自动使用,不用手动启动【译注:也不能阻止启动,所以进训练房前请确认是否需要卸掉该给养】。只能用于英国,德国,法国和美国的装备了汽油发动机的战车中。【译注:履带世界中引擎分汽油机和柴油机两大类,部分坦克的不同发动机可能种类不用,具体在xml和wiki中都有相关记载】 Increases engine power (and therefore, vehicle acceleration) and turret traverse speed by 5% for a single match. There is no activation for this consumable. This effect occurs and the item is consumed if it is equipped. Only available for American, British, German, and French vehicles when equipped with gasoline engines. |
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美制汽油 Lend-Lease Oil |
5,000 credits |
![]() 高质量燃油 Quality Oil 增加整场战斗中5%的发动机动力(因此 战车得以提高加速性能)以及5%的炮塔转速。此给养在战斗开始时自动使用,不用手动启动。只能用于任何类型引擎的S系坦克上。 可以和转速表叠加,一共获得15.5%的引擎马力加成。 Increases engine power (and therefore, vehicle acceleration) by 5% for a single match. There is no activation for this consumable. This effect occurs and the item is consumed if it is equipped. Lend-Lease Oil is available only for Soviet vehicles regardless of engine type. Effect stacks with Removed Speed Governor via multiplication (15.5% combined bonus). Quality Oil is available only for Chinese vehicles regardless of engine type. |
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转速表 Removed Speed Governor |
3,000 credits |
此给养不会被消耗,使用热键可以启用或关闭转速表。在启动时,转速表可以提供额外的10%的动力但是在坦克加速时【译注:顾名思义,即在静止、满速等状态下,不会发生下述后果】发动机会受到每秒1.5HP的伤害。【译注:引擎HP、引擎修理费系数记载于xml内】这意味着玩家的发动机可能会在战斗中抛锚。 玩家需要为受损的发动机支付一定数额的修车费,取决于发动机受损程度【译注:译者对此持保留意见】。与美制汽油或高质量燃油可同时使用,效果叠加。只能用于S系和C系战车上。 This consumable is never actually “consumed” (in other words, it is permanent). The hot key for this consumable turns it on and off.While activated, it adds 10% to engine power (and therefore, vehicle acceleration), but your tank’s engine suffers 1.5 hitpoints damage for each second you are accelerating. That means your engine can break down during the battle.You will have to pay for repairs for the amount of damage that was caused to your engine by using this consumable. The costs depend on your engine and the amount of damage it has suffered.Effect stacks with Lend-Lease Oil/Quality Oil via multiplication (15.5% combined bonus).Available only for Soviet and Chinese vehicles. |
![]() 大修理箱Large Repair Kit |
50Gold |
装备时,提高成员10的修理速度。使用后可修复当前已报废及受损【译注:即红了的和黄了的】的所有零件,被修复的零件可以再次被敌方击伤。一旦使用,修理速度加成效果将消失。 While equipped, passively adds 10% to crew’s field-repair speed. When used, the kit repairs all currently damaged modules until the end of battle when activated by the respective button. Repaired modules can still be damaged again after the repair, and the passive effect is lost once the kit is consumed. |
![]() 大急救箱Large First Aid Kit |
50Gold |
装备时,增加所有车组成员对穿透伤害的抵抗能力15%。【译注:鉴于HE直接命中但未击穿时,但战后统计仍计入“击穿”数量,尚不明确该加成是否适用于上述情况】使用后可治愈当前受伤的所有坦克乘员,但被治愈的乘员仍然可以被敌方再次击伤。一旦使用,抵抗能力加成效果将消失。 While equipped, provides 15% resistance to crew injury from penetrating hits. When used, heals all currently injured crew members until the end of battle when activated by the respective button. Healed crew members can still be re-injured or perish, and the passive effect is lost once the kit is consumed. |
![]() 自动灭火器Automatic Fire Extinguishers |
50Gold |
在战车起火之后0.5秒自动使用,并且降低10%的坦克起火几率【译注:不知降低着火概率这点,是使用给养后的效果,还是携带给养的效果】 Activates automatically 0.5 seconds after the tank catches fire and reduces the chance to catch fire by 10%. |
![]() 105号汽油 105-octane Gasoline |
50Gold |
Increases engine power (and therefore, vehicle acceleration) and turret traverse speed by 10% for a single match. There is no activation, this effect happens and the item is consumed if it is equipped.Available only for German, British, French and American vehicles with gasoline engines.
![]() S军口粮 Extra Combat Rations |
50Gold |
在正常战斗中为每个车组成员提高10点训练程度及技能熟练度。【译注:训练程度,既新买成员花2万银币训练到75%的那个;技能,既成员达到100%后学习的技能。】此提高是完整的10点提高,而非变成原程度的110%。例如75%变成85%(而非变成82.5%)。需要达到100%才生效的技能不受此影响。此给养不用启动,在战斗开始时自动使用。 Adds a flat 10, not a percentage, to the training level of all roles and crew skills for one entire match, so 75% would become 85%, etc. Perks are not affected. This bonus is still added to crews that have reached a 100% base training level. There is no activation. The item is consumed automatically at the start of a battle and the effect is triggered.
Extra Combat Rations are only available for Soviet vehicles.
Case of Cola is only available for American vehicles.
Pudding and Tea is only available for British vehicles.
Chocolate is only available for German vehicles.
Strong coffee is only available for French vehicles.
Improved Combat Rations are only available for Chinese vehicles.
![]() 可乐 Case of Cola |
![]() 巧克力 Chocolate |
![]() 红茶布丁 Pudding and Tea |
![]() 提神咖啡 Strong coffee |
![]() 红烧肉 Improved Combat Rations |