【Developer Q&A 】2013/7/9 – 生活如此傲娇



As some of you probably noticed, the new EU Q&A issue is out. The only interesting thing in it is that:

– in 8.8, there will be national crew voices

As always, take it “cum grano salis”, this guy was wrong it the past, several times in fact. I’ll doublecheck it via Russian Q&A.
和往常一样, 抱着一种怀疑的态度就好。这货以前错过好多次,我会去毛子的Q&A再确认一下的。

Another piece of info from the Russian server is that Wargaming is currently looking for closed-alpha testers of World of Tanks Generals. At least the game wasn’t scrapped or something.
另一方面 ,毛子服现在正在寻找坦克世界:将军的封测玩家。至少这个游戏没有被坑掉……

When will the German tier 8 scout make it to the game (RU251)?
This vehicle maybe making an appearance next year.
说好的元首的8级LT-RU251呢? 等明年吧!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now to the regular Q&A:

– Object 212 too expensive, when comparing it to S-51? “Don’t want it? Don’t pay” and “Most of the vehicle properties are published in vehicle description. It’s possible to test it on the test server. No need to whine about the price here.”

– SerB doesn’t like the Sixth Sense perk and wants it removed. Whether it will be nerfed or how, he will warn players in advance

– there will be no rule about balancing TD’s in teams (SS: the player probably means either a hardcap on TD’s, or the rule that both teams have to have the same amount of them), SerB states: “I predicted that the next whine target will be the TD’s :)”
不会对队伍里的TD做出任何的限制。(SS:玩家大概是说要限制TD的数量,或者两边起码TD的数量要相等。),SerB表示:“你看看,我以前说过喷子的下一波对象是TD吧。o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ ”

– in 8.7, the MM will be modified so both teams have the same amount of scouts

– SerB doesn’t like “mirror teams” and is even against forcing MM to give the same amount of scouts to both teams, as it is possible that with the reduction of arties in the game, this rule will become pointless

– tier 6 heavies have roughly the same balancing weight as tier 7 meds and TD’s

– T-50-2 player statistics in 8.7 will remain on the MT-25, “because MT-25 is a direct replacement for the T-50-2″

– devs are not issuing FAQ posts, because noone reads them

– SerB says he doesn’t appear in public (in media) more (apart from the Wargaming business) because he’s not interested

– there is a developer idea to actually give each clan player some new points (as in currency), which could then be turned in for tanks. But no guarantees, promises or details.

– there will probably be more “special high level content” vehicles such as TD’s (SS: I think there will, SerB is unclear here), such special arties are not planned for now

– tier 4 light tanks too weak? “Don’t play light tanks”

– if you have FPS increase in 8.7, it’s probably because you updated your graphic card drivers, not because of game optimization

– the rule where HEAT shells lose penetration when penetrating (the first layer of) spaced armor, when traversing the gap between the spaced and main armor does not apply to other types of shells

– analysis of patch effects data usually starts after 2-3 weeks from its introduction

– Brummbär and Sturmtiger were considered as a part of new separate German branch

– SerB didn’t get any offers from (Russian) national TV (SerB: “Thanks Cthulhu!”), he appeared only once on Belarussian TV one and half year ago

– WoWp: there will be premium tier 8 planes, but not soon

– for now, Wargaming won’t disclose the configuration or pictures of WoT servers

– the engine sound, running on neutral gear (when you stop), has no influence on camo factor of your vehicle

– captured T-34 in German tree? “When it’s done it’s done”
T-34的德国版?“When it’s done it’s done”

– new pictures for crewmembers? “When it’s done it’s done”
组员的新图标?“When it’s done it’s done”

– will the Panther changes influence all Panther-based vehicles? “That’s a question for Zlobny, he’s doing that”

– SerB himself is testing the Xbox WoT, he owns a Xbox360 Development Kit, but he’s generally not a console player

– actually, there is a (theoretical) possibility, that flamethrower tanks will make it to the game

– also, SerB was surprised to find out that thanks to some sort of Havok implementation, WoT could theoretically have wheeled vehicles

– it’s theoretically possible to implement minefields on some maps, but SerB doesn’t think it’s needed, because it’s stupid to die by a mine and not by enemy fire

– it’s possible that within a month or two, SerB will publish the data on tier 10 Japanese heavy

– currently, the developers are “pulling” one of the O-I Japanese heavy variants to tier 9

– SerB himself didn’t test the MT-25 yet, because he didn’t like its predecessor T-50-2 either

– SerB won’t buy consoles for his relatives (kids), because he thinks that PC is more versatile

– free camera in replays and other additional replay functions? “When it’s done it’s done”
录像模式里的自由视角和其他功能?“When it’s done it’s done”

– XboX WoT will probably not have its account integrated with WoT (due to some Microsoft conditions), mobile WoT (blitz) apparently has really easy gameplay
XBOX版的WOT极有可能与PC的WOT账号不通用(鉴于微软的某些原因),二手机版WOT( 闪电战)很显然拥有非常简单的玩法。

【Developer Q&A 】2013/7/9 – 生活如此傲娇》上有1个想法

  1. 这意味着德国二战著名的sd.Kfz.轮式车族有可能加入了…

    – also, SerB was surprised to find out that thanks to some sort of Havok implementation, WoT could theoretically have wheeled vehicles

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